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    哪時都行。. (X)Every day is okay. (O)Any day is okay. /Anytime is fine. (O)Any day of the week is fine. 注意這裡用any day,不是every day。. 我們並不是每一天都約,而是其中的任何一天。. 正式一點可以說:. I can adjust my schedule to accommodate you.

  2. 在路上,閱讀生活的溫度。喜愛旅行的人,基本上都是愛閱讀的人!《旅讀》月刊以知識為最重要的內容,懷著士大夫悲天憫人、溫柔敦厚的精神,和讀者一起探索有情世界。如果你喜歡深度旅行,請和《旅讀》一起享受「體驗式閱讀」!On the Road with OR!

  3. Taipei's Traditional Religious Culture. 文/Discover Taipei. Manka Lungshan Temple (艋舺龍山寺), Xingtian Temple (行天宮), and Dalongdong Baoan Temple (大龍峒保安宮) are popular among many overseas visitors to Taipei, who enjoy the beauty of the architecture and Taiwan’s traditional folk-religion practices. To further enrich ...

  4. 長官開會提出I mean it,到底是指哪件事?mean的特殊用法一次整理 David的外籍主管在慶功宴上,說了這麼一句 ”Everyone means something to me.” David想著mean是「指」的意思,mean something「指一些東西」,那到底是「指什麼」,怎麼沒頭沒尾的。

  5. 2023年6月22日 · 根據Gartner的調查,從2022至2030年,全球人工智慧的市場規模將以38.1%的複合成長率增長,特別在2020年東京奧運的賽事上,我國健兒以優異表現奪下史上最佳成績,顯見這些年國內在運動科技上的投入已頗見成效,而在後疫情時代的此刻,消費者對於健康意識的 ...

  6. 文/Discover Taipei. Seals (also known as chops) are carefully carved stone stamps used by the Chinese instead of a signature. Apart from being a convenient way to prove one's identity, however, each seal, however small, is also a representation of a person's deeper self-identity and status. Seal carving is a classic Chinese art form that can ...

  7. 「咒語漫談」是林光明教授的專欄,固定每月十五號與三十號刊登。本專欄將陸續介紹梵文、藏文、悉曇 與蘭札等不同咒語,更希望藉由電子報的發行,來讓更多人認識佛教咒語。 我們期望,藉著電子報「咒語漫談」的廣傳,所有佛教徒將使用共通法本唸誦同一咒語;且讓我們一同努力。

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