雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年3月22日 · 一、陰瑜伽介紹. 「陰瑜伽」( Yin Yoga )是由保羅·葛瑞里( Paul Grilley )所創,根據《正念陰瑜伽:自我療癒與轉化之道》一書所說,陰瑜伽是一種結合中國經絡理論,而發展出來的一系列瑜伽體式。. 陰瑜伽特別強調身體動作的慢、緩、伸、展,主要練習目的 ...

  2. 2022年5月2日 · 陰瑜珈(英文:Yin Yoga)是由美國 Paul Grilley 所創立的,是一個結合印度瑜珈、中醫經絡、佛家正念的瑜珈流派。不同於哈達瑜珈(Hatha)、流動瑜珈(Vinyasa)、或是八肢瑜珈(Ashtanga) 這些屬於比較陽的瑜珈練習。

  3. 2021年11月15日 · 瑜伽注重身心的「陰陽調和」,透過陰瑜珈龍式、陰瑜珈蝴蝶式、陰瑜珈減肥動作,讓你達到鍛鍊骨骼以及伸展肌肉的效果,提升你的新陳代謝,幫助瘦身。 另外更能調節神經系統,釋放內在壓力。

  4. 2022年7月19日 · 陰瑜珈的好處. 陰瑜珈不僅可以平衡平時「陽瑜珈」的練習,讓緊繃的肌肉趨於放鬆、 舒緩焦慮 的心情、改善失眠問題,還可以幫助提升專注力,找到活在當下的感受。 藉由陰瑜伽的練習,我們得以學習如何聆聽身體所傳達出來的訊息,並選擇不強迫與尊重身體,做出真正貼近身心狀態的決定,離內在的自己更近,逐步找到身心靈間的平衡。 在接下來的內文中,也會教大家 3 個適合陰瑜珈初學者的簡易陰瑜珈動作,並提供多個替代體式做法,非常推薦在睡前跟著步驟一起練習,相信一定能讓你擁有好夢喔! 改善睡眠品質:3 個睡前陰瑜珈動作分享. 陰瑜珈招式 1 :嬰兒式. 嬰兒式(Childs Pose )© HELLOYOGIS All Rights Reserved. 步驟教學. 1.

  5. 透過陰瑜伽練習,可以幫助我們 放慢腳步,減壓安神,平衡身心,減輕壓力,亦能改善關節活動度和靈活性,有空的話一起練習吧Y...

  6. Suitable for almost all levels of students, Yin Yoga is a perfect complement to the dynamic and muscular (yang) styles of yoga that emphasize internal heat, and the lengthening and contracting of our muscles. Yin Yoga generally targets the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine.

  7. Yin Yoga is a style of yoga that involves long holds in various seated and reclined poses to access deeper layers of fascia and to quiet the mind. There are three tenets of Yin Yoga: find your edge where you can feel the stretch but without straining; remain still

  8. Yin Yoga for Myofascial Release. This special yin yoga class will help release tension in the body’s connective tissues. Students will experience a combination of long-held deep stretches with roll-and-release ball therapy work. Some pranayama, chanting and meditation may be included.

  9. 2016年9月15日 · Yin Yoga is a new style of yoga, where practitioners immerse themselves in passive poses for extended periods, typically ranging from 3-10 minutes. It’s widely believed that Yin Yoga originated in China, but the practice is in fact deeply rooted in the time-honored tradition of Classical Hatha Yoga.

  10. Yin Yoga Studios in Hong Kong. Yoga, Stretching, … Power Sutras. 501, 5/F, Car Po Commercial Building, 18-20 Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong. 4.9 (12500+) Safety guidelines. Sutras, the boundless and timeless guidance of the existence, is leading us to the… Strength Training, Dance, … TeamX Taikoo. 1065 King's Road, Hong Kong Island. 4.9 (5000+)

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