雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 色素沉澱而形成的色斑、暗瘡印及膚色不均等肌膚問題,從源頭堵截黑色素,讓Kiehl’s醫學維c亮白系列有效擊退黑色素!

  2. 額頭紋、法令紋、眼紋等等,令人看起來年紀較老 — 讓我們為大家拆解皺紋的成因 及抗衰老保養方法。皺紋是其中一個常見的皮膚老化特徵。面部細紋乾紋、額頭紋、法令紋、眼紋等等,令人看起來年紀較老 — 讓我們為大家拆解皺紋的成因及抗 ...

  3. Kiehl's Mission Renewal is a campaign that aims to inspire you to renew your skin, body and mind with natural and effective products. Learn more about the benefits of retinol, a dermatologist-recommended anti-aging ingredient, and discover the best Kiehl's products for your skin type and concerns. Visit Kiehl's Hong Kong online store or find a store near you to start your mission renewal today.