雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The greatest barrier to effective communication is Poor Listening Skills: People not listening or not being present to the what's being said. If both parties are listening poorly or not listening, miscommunication is likely to occur.

    • Distractions
    • Attachment to Personal Beliefs and Values
    • Misinterpretations
    • Overcoming Barriers to Effective Listening

    We get distracted by what is going on outside (our surroundings) and inside ourselves. What’s outside that distracts us while trying to listen to someone? Noises, temperature, or what other people are saying or doing. What’s inside that distracts us from listening to someone? Thoughts, thoughts and more thoughts. Thoughts as memories, judgments, op...

    Our personal beliefs and values are dear to us; they're an integral part of our point of view. We tend to find facts and evidence that support our views and we dismiss anything that weakens them. Over time we find that we’ve developed a strong bond to our point of view, we may be proud of our views and defend them if need be. Sometimes we may get i...

    When we add an interpretation to what someone's saying or doing, we introduce possible errors in communication. When the message is clear and obvious, our interpretation may be correct, and we feel justified in continue to interepret what others say. We may even congratulate ourselves in being so good at guessing what others’ intentions are behind ...

    • When you find yourself getting distracted with either internal or external noise, pay attention by being mindful. • When you discover any attachment to your point of view, ease up on the attachment or completely let go of it. Become curious about other points of view. • When a speaker says something unclear, avoid misinterpretations by asking the...

  2. Summing Up. Communication in its most basic sense is transferring information from sender to receiver. The various definitions of communication (organizational, business, interpersonal and so forth) are just flavors of the basic definition of communication.

  3. Is Technology a Barrier? Can technology and human communication be out of step? Technology acts as a barrier to communication when (1) it reduces the quantity and the quality of time that we spend with each other and (2) it distracts us from noticing the rest of our lives. Less Face Time.

  4. Listening means thinking about the message to understand it clearly and completely. To listen is to hear the words, notice the tone of voice, sense the mood, and observe any other cues that complement the message. What is listening? Listening is getting it. The table below summarizes the differences between hearing and listening.

  5. Managers and business owners may see technology as a means to improve productivity, employees may see technology as a threat to personal privacy and job security. Human communication is shaped by the technology that is available at any given time. People often ask if technology isolates people or brings them closer.

  6. Upward Communication – Reporting Problems, Concerns and Complaints. This seems very straightforward, but there are potential pitfalls about reporting problems: • To describe problems in detail and skip providing any possible solutions. • To report the problem to the boss’s boss, creating a “went around his/her boss” awkwardness.

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