雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 簡介. 為擴闊香港青年人的視野,政府致力為青年提供在內地和海外而具質素的實習機會。. 政府於2018年首度與香港大型企業合作,推出「企業內地與海外暑期實習計劃」(計劃),讓青年人在這些企業駐內地和海外的業務進行實習。. 行政長官在《2023年施政 ...

  2. 氣候專家前天文台台長岑智明先生和前天文台助理台長梁榮武先生,向見習青年大使分享氣象學的創新應用及科普推廣經驗,共同探討應對氣候變化的方法,鼓勵青年積極發揮作用。

    • Overview
    • Key Features
    • Eligibility
    • Application and Enquiries

    The Government collaborates with cultural, nature conservation and scientific research institutions in the Mainland to organise the "Thematic Youth Internship Programmes to the Mainland". Through the diversified, unique and in-depth thematic internship opportunities, the Programmes will help Hong Kong youths gain a deeper understanding of our count...

    Six thematic internship programmes in collaboration with relevant Mainland institutions including: 1. “Hong Kong-Macao Youth Internship Programme at Palace Museum”, co-organised with the Palace Museum in Beijing; 2. “Youth Internship Programme at Wolong Region of Giant Panda National Park”, co-organised with the Sichuan Provincial Administration of...

    Holder of Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card or Hong Kong Identity Card aged between 18 and 30; Full-time student from a local post-secondary or tertiary institution (including students of sub-degree, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes).

    For more information, please refer to the programme details set out as follows: (1) Hong Kong-Macao Youth Internship Programme at Palace Museum (2) Youth Internship Programme at Wolong Region of Giant Panda National Park (3) Youth Internship Programme at Chinese Academy of Sciences (4) Youth Internship Programme at Dunhuang (5) Youth Internship Pro...

  3. 正如国家主席习近平所言:「青年兴,则香港兴;青年发展,则香港发展;青年有未来,则香港有未来」。. 青年是香港的未来、希望和栋樑,更是推动社会和经济长远发展的引擎。. 政府一直十分重视青年发展,致力协助青年解决「四业」,即学业、就业、创业 ...

  4. To promote youth development work in a more effective manner, the Government established the Youth Development Commission (YDC) in 2018 to enhance policy coordination within the Government and enable a more holistic and effective examination of and discussion on issues of concern to young people.

  5. 我們希望系列可以拓寛觀眾的視野,令觀眾進一步了解和掌握「八大中心」為香港帶來的機遇和香港青年如何為此作出準備,亦藉此讓觀眾加深對香港、粵港澳大灣區,以至國家最新發展的了解。. 點擊預覽圖播放影片: 「香港金融中心未來的挑戰和機遇」. 富衛 ...

  6. 6 天前 · Through sponsoring NGOs in organising internships to the Mainland, the Funding Scheme for Youth Internship in the Mainland aims at enabling Hong Kong young people to experience first-hand the actual workplace environment in the Mainland, cultivate a deeper understanding of the employment market, work culture and development ...

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