雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 24 hours temperature controlled. Some deluxe units are installed with individual air conditioner, electricity meter and timer control. Client has an option to purchase. Feel free to tour our company and storage units. Need a safe and convenient location to store extras items? Canaan Moving provides mini storage to Hong Kong customers.

  2. 迦南自設存倉及迷你倉服務簡介:本司有不同類型、尺寸之倉庫供選擇,為中小企及家庭改善空間,或作一站式裝修存倉之用,總有一款啱你心水! 迦南擁有自置物業作為倉庫,客戶包括政府機構、香港大會堂、宗教團體等。 說起搬屋,想必不少人都有這個經歷,搬屋的過程往往會遇到很多的事情,導致產生很多麻煩的事情。 尤其是在裝修的過渡階段,很多傢私暫時都沒有地方可以放,當廢物處理又非常可惜。 對於一些企業來說,也可能會出現辦公產品無處安放的問題。 其實裝修搬家這件事情也沒有那麼複雜,迷你倉就可以為傢俱家電的存儲解憂,解決搬家、裝修這個大難題。 而且還有多種倉型可以按需匹配,隨時隨地就近存取,具有多種優勢。 高性價比迷你倉,讓搬運變得更容易. 首先,彈性倉位及首創日租,具有較高的性價比。

  3. 恆溫冷氣豪華倉. 備有多種尺寸可供選擇. 尺寸由80-3000平方尺以上都有. 特高10尺樓底,尺數為實用面積, 公共地方並沒有計算在內. 24小時智能卡自由出入. 閣下可隨時開倉取物. 倉位設置獨立鎖. 恆溫冷氣 24小時開放. 客人也可以選擇有獨立電錶之倉位, 自付電費 ...

  4. We‘re the first day-to-day lease provider offering the most flexible storing solutions including mini storage in Hong Kong for businesses and families. We are the most trustable one-stop integrated moving and storing service provider. Our facilities are equipped with 24-hour online surveillance systems and all areas are well monitored.

  5. Climate Controlled Mini Self Storage. Ceiling height is 10 ft high. All measurements are scalable area which does not include the public area. 24 hours accessible with the smart card. You can enter your storage anytime at your convenience. Each unit has built in with individual lock.

  6. Portable cart is easy to access. It is especially suitable for people who move in the goods by themselves and have small numbers of items Need a safe and convenient location to store extras items? Canaan Moving provides mini storage to Hong Kong customers.

  7. 閣下可隨時開倉取物. 倉位設置獨立鎖. 恆溫冷氣 24小時開放. 所有倉位備有3吋高地臺以阻隔地面濕氣,保護閣下貴重之財物. 月租 $620元起. 歡迎閣下親臨本司參觀. 恆溫冷氣迷你倉簡介-備有多種尺寸可供選擇,獨立鎖,24小時開放,月租 $550元起.

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