雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Established in 1979, IVE (Lee Wai Lee), formerly known as Lee Wai Lee Technical Institute, has committed itself to providing professional vocational and professional training and education and equipping learners with the ability to meet the needs of various industries and the community.

  2. www.ive.edu.hk › ivesite › preview李惠利 << IVE

    香港专业教育学院 (李惠利)已於2010年9月迁往将军澳新校舍,毗邻香港知专设计学院。. 全新高科技校园配备先进专业设施,缔造理想校园环境。.

  3. Sports Facilities Students have access to various sports facilities, such as fitness room, tennis court, basketball court, and swimming pool. ... Other Facilities Other campus facilities such as Career Development Centre, student activity room, student common ...

  4. www.ive.edu.hk › cw › ba柴灣 << VTC

    2019年12月20日 · 今次論壇獲得7間機構的支持及協助,包括本港及國際會計專業學會ACCA, ADF, AIA, CPA Australia, HKAPA,HKICPA及金蝶國際。. 三位嘉賓講者是智遠先生,香港會計師公會副會長,並會計界愛心同盟執行主席; 盧華基先生,信永中和(香港)會計師事務所有限公司 ...

    • 林志玲開球1
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  5. www.ive.edu.hk › ivesite › htmlLee Wai Lee << IVE

    IVE (Lee Wai Lee) has been relocated to a new campus adjacent to the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) in Tseung Kwan O since Sep 2010. The technologically advanced campus is equipped with specialised facilities to facilitate teaching and learning.

  6. © 2010 Vocational Training Council. All rights reserved. Best viewed with I.E. 7 or above and with 1024 x 768 resolution Disclaimer | Privacy | Corruption Prevention ...

  7. 本課程旨在促進學生對長者的社會健康及照顧服務的專業知識,讓學生掌握社會服務、護理技能及長者服務行政工作,裝備畢業生在長者服務及相關行業計劃及提供跨專業的長者服務,從而提昇長者的生活質素並步向「成功耆年」。. 為培養學生的專業態度 ...