雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.1823.gov.hk › en › about-usAbout Us - 1823

    Our Work. 1823, managed by Efficiency Office, provides a round-the-clock one-stop service. 1823 handles enquiries, compliments and suggestions for 23 participating departments and receives complaints about any areas of government services. For complaints, we will record the case details and refer the cases to the appropriate bureaux / departments.

  2. www.1823.gov.hk › big5 › FAQwww.1823.gov.hk


  3. Labour Department. According to the Employment Ordinance, an employee who has been employed continuously by the same employer for four weeks or more, with at least 18 hours worked in each week is regarded as being employed under a continuous contract.

  4. The Disability Allowance can be divided into Normal Disability Allowance and Higher Disability Allowance. It is a monthly allowance provided by Social Welfare Department (SWD) to the severely disabled Hong Kong residents to meet special needs arising from disability.

  5. Ask. FAQ. Service Categories. Land Registry & Tenancy Matters. How to access the property information (such as the age of the building, injunction order against sale of property or mortgage/charge)? The Land Registry. Please refer to the following documents.

  6. Labour Department. Under the Employment Ordinance, an employee is entitled to paid annual leave after having been employed under a continuous contract for every 12 months. When terminating employment contract, the employee is entitled to payment in lieu of untaken annual leave.

  7. 簡介. 「港車北上」允許合資格的香港私家車經港珠澳大橋往來香港與廣東省。 為確保「港車北上」有序落實,粵、港政府同意就接受申請數目設置上限,並將以電腦抽籤方式分配。 開放申請後首星期每個工作天接受200個申請,由第二星期起每個工作天接受300個申請。 申請資格及遞交網上申請所需文件. 車輛. 參與「港車北上」的車輛須為以個人名義登記的私家車,並持有有效的香港車輛牌照。 私家車需為八座位(包括司機)或以下、車長不超過六米。 按《廣東省關於香港機動車經港珠澳大橋珠海公路口岸入出內地的管理辦法》規定,車輛註冊登記六年(或出廠年限六年)以上,需提交機動車安全檢驗合格證明。 在收到內地有關單位要求安排車輛檢驗後,申請人須安排車輛前往香港指定驗車地點接受查驗,無須另行前往內地進行車輛查驗。

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