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  1. 註有 貨品可代客戶印刷圖樣於餐盒上(附送代存倉) Custom printing service is available for items marked with (free storage and on-demand delivery) . ...

  2. 更新於 : 15/06/2024. 以上產品規格僅供參考. Specifications are for reference only. 尚有各式餐飲用品型號多種,請即賜電意華熱線(852)2797 9938 或預約意華營業代表訂購。. More products are available, please contact our sales representatives. 本頁面直接連結 Page Direct URL https://www.yeewah.com ...

  3. 客戶亦可親臨意華營業部選購 地址:香港 九龍觀塘鴻圖道10號 艾域林工業大廈 (1字樓營業部) (近牛頭角港鐵站B6出口) (貴客如欲親臨營業部選購, 請選擇非繁忙時段到臨 (即 10:00AM - 12:00AM 及 14:00PM - 17:30PM),以便得到更全面快捷的服務) Address: 1/F, Knapwood Industrial Building, 10 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, HongKong. (Sales department on 1/F) (near Ngau Tau Kok MTR station) 本地及國內外同業若有意參予合作、分銷、代理者,亦歡迎賜電聯絡洽商. © 2024 Yeewah Paper Bag.

  4. Aluminium Foil/Extra-size Containers. 尚有各式錫紙盒類產品 (焗飯/意粉錫紙盒、到會大錫紙盤等等)型號多種,請即賜電意華熱線 (852)2797 9938 或預約意華營業代表訂購。. More products are available, please contact our sales representatives.

  5. 貨號: PP445 名稱: (445ML)圓形耐熱高溫膠樽 耐熱溫-120度 數量: 188個 / 箱 規格: 直徑6.5cm X 高21cm 包裝: 47個 X 4包. Code No. PP445 Description : (445ml) round Heat resistance bottle Max temp 120 degrees Qty : 188 pcs/ ctn Meas: D6.5cm x H21cm Packing : 47 pcs x 4 packs.

  6. www.yeewah.com › heading1www.yeewah.com


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