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  1. 2015年2月26日 · The beast’s leonine movements are controlled by two concealed men, one carrying an elaborately decorated lion head with a snapping mouth, another at the rear operating the tail. You’ve stumbled upon the lion dance (舞獅), an age-old custom that has followed Chinese people everywhere they go.

  2. paper.udn.com › udnpaper › POE0035遠見電子報

    2018年10月18日 · 住一晚要價2.2萬 「虹夕諾雅谷關」獨家窺祕. 作者:王一芝. 2011年豐興鋼鐵創辦人林文貴的二兒子林盟弼,買下谷關2.4公頃的汶山大飯店。. 當年,擔任豐興業務副總的林盟弼,第一眼看到位在谷關制高點,四面環山又有大甲溪曲流其間的汶山大飯店,就被這塊 ...

  3. 2015年3月26日 · Up on the crest, the scenery is splendid, with expansive views over the Grand Hotel, nearby riverside parks, and the Miramar Ferris Wheel (美麗華摩天輪). The best-known facility along the trail is the Old Place Plane-Spotting Platform (老地方觀機平臺), presenting a thrilling panorama of aircraft taking off and landing at Taipei Songshan Airport (臺北松山機場).

  4. 梁啟超「飲冰室」由來. 傳統中國文學電子報第二五七期 2015/03/05. 主題:梁啟超「飲冰室」由來. 在國高中課本中,大概都少不了一個清末民初時的一個大人物,那就是梁啟超。. 梁啟超不僅是清末戊戌變法的主導者,甚至在海外保皇黨或革命事業中,也占有 ...

  5. paper.udn.com › udnpaper › POL0005咒語漫談電子報

    「咒語漫談」是林光明教授的專欄,固定每月十五號與三十號刊登。本專欄將陸續介紹梵文、藏文、悉曇、蘭札 與 城體等不同咒語,更希望藉由電子報的發行,來讓更多人認識佛教咒語。 我們期望,藉著電子報「咒語漫談」的廣傳,所有佛教徒將使用共通法本唸誦同一咒語;且讓我們一同努力。

  6. 有冒險的膽識,才有創新的活水. 企業慢慢開始能夠接受,在公司政策、流程和實務層次上,「失敗也有價值」的想法,但在個人層次上,卻全然不是那麼一回事。. 每個人都討厭失敗。. 我們都認為,失敗令人難堪,有失尊嚴和身分地位,卻沒想過這種觀念是否 ...

  7. 文/Discover Taipei. As well as shuttling around Taipei's alleys on a YouBike, to appreciate Taipei’s riverside scenery on a bicycle, the connecting bikeways around Taipei’s riverside parks is the perfect choice. Taipei was listed as 11th in The New York Times' "52 Places to Go in 2014," and a bike ride around the city's riverside parks ...