雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. A typhoon is a violent tropical cyclone, in meteorological term, which is a low pressure system occurring in tropical oceans. The winds above the ground circulate around the center counterclockwise for a typhoon occurring in the northern hemisphere and clockwise ...

  2. 暴風範圍愈大是表示受颱風影響的面積愈廣,一般而言,較強的颱風其暴風範圍亦相對較大,但此關係並非一成不變,有時颱風的半徑雖不大,但強度並不弱。

  3. Observe Time Temperature Weather WindDir Wind BS m/s Gust BS m/s Visibility (km) Humidity (%) Pressure (hPa) Rainfall (mm) Sunshine

  4. According to the evaluation by meteorological researchers with years of experience in rainmaking, artificial rainmaking by long-term planning of ground silver iodide burning can on average increase precipitation by 10%; whereas using aerial artificial rainmaking, by ...

  5. 首頁 | 交通部中央氣象局

  6. 依據恆星演化的理論,質量大於8倍太陽質量的恆星,歷經紅巨星及超新星爆炸階段後,其中心殘骸仍大於3倍太陽質量,由於其重力超越中子所能抗拒之上限,因此它不會成為中子星,而是繼續收縮塌陷。由廣義相對論得知,由遠距離看其收縮需很長時間,且收縮得愈小則重力愈強,這種大量物質 ...

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