雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 透過Citibank個人網上理財服務,您只需動動指頭,即可輕鬆享受無縫嘅數碼銀行體驗。. 隨時隨地管理您嘅財務,並保持穩健嘅財務狀況。.

  2. 立即申請專享環球獎賞. 按此申請. 「Citi Pay with Points憑分消費」 條款及細則. Citi Pay with Points憑分消費服務 (「本服務」)適用於花旗銀行 (香港)有限公司 (「花旗銀行」) 所發行的Citi 普通卡,Citi 金卡,Citi Rewards 信用卡 (Citi Rewards銀聯信用卡除外),Citi PremierMiles ...

  3. Citi Pay with Points正式登陸KKday! %body%. 熱愛旅行嘅您,計劃行程一定識揀KKday!. 好消息!. Citi Pay with Points依家仲正式登陸KKday, 憑指定Citi信用卡喺香港KKday平台預訂本地以至外地吃喝玩樂,買景點門票或預訂觀光行程, 都可以無縫用Pay with Points憑分消費,直接用 ...

  4. 產品資料概要. 如果您突然需要一筆額外現金以應付突如其來嘅開支點算好? 只要你有Citi信用卡就可以喺全球 任何Citibank或支援相關發卡機構網絡嘅自動櫃員機即時透支現金,助您輕鬆應急 ! 助你隨時提取現金周轉: 於任何24小時 服務的自動櫃員機 即時透支現金. 提高消費力: 讓您不會錯過 只接受現金的消費. 把信貸額套現成現金: 享受高達信貸額之 現金透支額. 您可以透過以下方法透支現金: . 經由Citibank 分行櫃檯(Citi銀聯信用卡除外) . 經由自動櫃員機 辦理(需要信用卡自動櫃員機密碼) . 信用卡現金透支服務收費: . 現金透支費用:每項交易港幣 100元/人民幣100元/美元13元. .

  5. Level up your financial knowledge and invest with confidence. Learn wealth management concepts in minutes with bite-size lessons from experts. Strengthen your knowledge with quick quizzes. Complete challenges and gain confidence as you level up to Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond.

  6. Citibank Online is now upgraded and improved to bring you a hassle-free digital banking experience. Managing your finances have never been easier, with more extensive banking features, we give you control over your finances and the ability to self-serve in real-time, at your convenience.

  7. Gear up your home with new electronic gadgets & offset your spending at FORTRESS eShop seamlessly with Citi Pay with Points! Pay with your Points in just a few clicks: Settle your payment with designated Citi Credit Card to enjoy Pay with Points. Verify your identity. Offset your spending with your Points. 1. 2. 3. Shop at FORTRESS eShop now!