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  1. 2017年11月1日 · The two most prominent symbols of Kanazawa, the capital of Ishikawa Prefecture, are Kanazawa Castle and Kenrokuen Garden. These two sites were emblematic of the power of the clan that dominated the region throughout the Edo Period (1603-1868). Located right beside one another, if you see nothing else in Kanazawa, you must see these two sites.

  2. 2017年11月1日 · Home. > Travel. > Natural. A Basic Guide to Kenrokuen Garden. Masayoshi Sakamoto (坂本正敬) Updated November 1, 2017. Gardens Shoryudo Kanazawa Ishikawa Hokuriku. Kenrokuen is one of the absolute must-see spots in Kanazawa. It's received three stars in the Michelin Green Guide and drew as many as 3 million visitors as of 2015.

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  5. Top3. 六本木 Hills & Midtown. 從六本木車站出來,兩邊各有一處地標性商業建築,它們分別是六本木Hills和六本木Midtown,都是頂級約會聖地。 成規模的高檔時尚購物區,空曠自然綠地,讓情侶們能好好享受寧靜的戶外環境,滿足只有在都心才能獲得的超舒適購物體驗。 再加上Midtown周邊匯聚了很多國家一級美術館,比如國立新美術館、21_21Design Sight跟Suntory美術館等,不要以為六本木僅僅是外國遊客多多,商業氣息濃厚的高檔地段而已,其實只要計劃好,一場充滿藝術色彩的都市約會也是很容易實現的哦! Top2. 惠比壽. https://www.shutterstock.com/

  6. 夕日浦溫泉 佳松苑 離櫂(Kasyouen Hanare Kai) 地址 京都府京丹後市網野町浜詰669 網站 https://www.k-kai.jp/ 交通 搭乘京都丹後鐵道至「夕日浦木津溫泉站」後搭乘接駁巴士(需預約) 費用 一泊二食,約25,000日圓起/人

  7. 2018年1月17日 · Top 6 Castles Around Tokyo. Michael Kanert Updated January 17, 2018. Castles Tokyo Imperial Palace First Time in Japan Tokyo Greater Tokyo Chiba Gunma Kanagawa Nagano Saitama. Japan is full of castles, but only 12 so-called “original construction” castles—those with keeps dating back to the 13th to 17th century—can still be seen today.

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