雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The local people and volunteers help to clean up, but because of the tourism allure associated with lighting off the sky lanterns, it seems that this practice is not going away anytime soon. Date and Time: In 2024 the Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival will be held Saturday February 24th from about 6 PM to 8:30 PM.

    • 台灣燈會Taiwan Lantern Festival。The Taiwan Lantern Festival is an annual event hosted by the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in Taiwan, and the theme is based on the zodiac animal of that year.
    • 平溪「放天燈」Pingxi (Pingsi) Sky Lantern Festival。The Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival is one of the most colorful activities of the Lantern Festival.
    • 台南鹽水「燃蜂炮」Yanshui Fireworks Festival (Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival)The fireworks display at the God of War Temple in Yanshui, Tainan City, is one of the most popular and anticipated events of the Lantern Festival.
    • 台東「炸邯鄲」Bombing of Master Han Dan。The main activity in Taitung during the Lantern Festival every year is the Bombing of Master Han Dan.
    • Set Off A Sky Lantern 放天燈
    • Set Off Beehive Fireworks 燃蜂炮
    • The Lord Handan Festival 炸邯鄲

    平溪十分村在元宵節放天燈的習俗已經有超過200年的歷史,天燈放得愈高,表示運氣會愈好。 A: Have you heard of the Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival? 你有聽過平溪天燈嗎? B: Yes, it's a traditional activity during the Lantern Festival. 有,那是元宵節的一種傳統活動。 A: People write their wishes on sky lanterns to pray for peace and everything going well for the coming New Year. 大家會把願望寫在天燈上,祈求新的一年能夠平安順利。 B: And the scenery o...

    台南鹽水的「南蜂炮」是每年元宵節的一道亮麗風景。每年燃放蜂炮有乞求風調雨順、平平安安的象徵。 A: Would you like to experience the Yanshui Beehive Firecrackers Festival? 你想體驗看看鹽水蜂炮嗎? B: What is that? 那是什麼? A: It's a specific way to celebrate the Lantern Festival in Yanshui district of Tainan. The fireworks explode in all directions, which is a kind of custom to defeat the misfortune for the comi...

    炸邯鄲是台東元宵節特有的習俗。邯鄲爺也稱武財神,對民眾來說,祂的出巡便是迎接財神爺。當鞭炮炸得愈旺,代表那一年的財運會愈旺。 A: The Lord Handan Festival is a specific custom during the Lantern Festival of Taitung. 炸邯鄲是台東元宵節特有的習俗。 B: What's the Lord Handan? 邯鄲是什麼? A: People generally believe that the Lord Handan is the god of wealth. Someone will be selected to play the role of Lord Handan. The person only wea...

    • 十分瀑布景區資訊。十分瀑布風景區地址:新北市平溪區乾坑10號。十分旅遊服務中心電話:(02)24958409。開放時間:10月至5月 09:00~17:00(最後入園時間:16:30);6月至9月 09:00~18:00(最後入園時間:17:30)
    • 十分車站。搭乘平溪支線小火車抵達「十分站」後,一下火車就被收票員趕著過鐵軌,接著收票員會指引大家走到鐵軌對面收票後,跟你說十分老街的方向。
    • 十分老街。十分老街所在的平溪這一帶是天燈發源處,每年元宵節會有一年一度的平溪天燈節在此舉行,是Discovery票選「世界第二大節慶嘉年華」呢!飄兒在非元宵節前往,但平溪一年四季都可以放天燈,十分老街沿路有很多販售天燈的店家,可以看到很多人在鐵道上放天燈祈福。
    • 觀瀑大橋。前往十分瀑布公園會路過十分旅遊服務中心,途中首先會經過四廣潭橋,然後是觀瀑吊橋,觀瀑吊橋相當有看點,旁邊就是火車會經過的鐵軌,是禁止行人通行的。
  2. 十分老街天燈是台灣天燈的老點與平溪菁桐並列為天燈施放的著名景點本文將重點介紹十分天燈的店家交通方式十分包車推薦常見問答等資訊讓您和朋友另一半來一段浪漫貼近傳統的天燈之旅

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 行程結合外語導覽(中文英文和日文),最適合初訪或再訪台北的外賓遊覽台北近郊景點包含野柳地質公園」、「九份老街」、「十分瀑布十分老街」。行程另特別安排體驗當地的早期的特殊習俗放天燈祈福」。

  5. 2022年7月20日 · 十分老街 放天燈 / Shifen Old Street with sky lanterns - YouTube. Taiwan birdwei walk. 2.6K subscribers. 97. 517 views 1 year ago. 一般人看到天燈,就會想到平溪。 其實天燈的發源地是十分。 回溯平溪礦業史,平溪區的十分,堪稱開發最早,也是規模最大的聚落。...

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    • Taiwan birdwei walk