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  1. 帆布袋 相關

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  1. 向天爭一口飯─布袋小鎮的百年追尋. 本期的《人籟》從嘉義縣濱海的布袋鎮發展歷史,希望呈現人文與環境交互影響的過程。. 〈汗水滴土結成鹽——「鹽埕布袋」的興起、傾頹與再生〉訪問了老鹽工與文史工作者,不再曬鹽後,人們又該以何種方式與土地對話 ...

  2. 本期主題. ︰. The Wonderful World of Taiwanese Glove-Puppet Thea. 文/Discover Taipei. The ability to wear a puppet on one’s hand and to give it the appearance of human actions and emotions is part of the...

  3. 2015年1月1日 · An official named Cai Lun (蔡倫) created a sheet for the court out of a mishmash of materials including morus skin, bast fibers, fishnets, and hemp. Papermaking quickly spread throughout China and...

  4. "Stay loose"楊紫瓊給哈佛畢業生的建議,是什麼意思? 哈佛法學院的畢業典禮邀請楊紫瓊做演講。演講中,她給了畢業生三個建議,第一是"stay loose";第二個是”Know your limits”;第三個是"Find your people"。 第二和第三,字面容易理解,Know your ...

  5. 常春藤解析英語電子報. The Proud History of Bubble Wrap 嗶嗶啵啵樂無窮! From packaging to popping, bubble wrap does it all. 從包裝材料到拿來捏爆,泡泡紙一手包辦。 ←iOS用戶點擊左方圖示,即可收聽講解音檔. Bubble wrap is a packing material made from...

  6. shelf當名詞是「架子」或是任何突出來的東西,當動詞時則有「排放在架上」、「擱置」的意思: I've had to shelve my plans to buy a new car,because I can't afford it at the moment.(我得緩一緩買車的計畫,現階段資金沒那麼充裕。 On the shelf是postponed,延遲擱置的意思: These...

  7. paper.udn.com › udnpaper › POH0065世界公民電子報

    1. Deliver the goods. (X)親自送貨. (O)說到做到、履行諾言、達到要求. Deliver 大家最熟悉的意思是「遞送」,它其實也有「承諾、兌現」的意思。 例如: • I am certain that he will deliver on his promise. 我確信他會履行諾言。 Deliver the goods,字面意思是「送貨」。...

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