雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 立即去Citi Mobile® App Get More登記!. • 「新用戶」指於2021年12月1日至2024年5月31日期間從未透過Citi PayAll設置或完成任何費用付款之合資格客戶。. • 如卡持有人設置新Citi PayAll交易時選擇付Citi PayAll服務費 (「服務費」),有關服務費將於「檢視及確認」頁面顯示 ...

  2. Citi PayAll. With Citi PayAll, you can settle daily expenses and earn credit card points/ rebate with just a few taps! Plus, by setting up recurring payments, you don’t need to worry about late payments. New users can earn extra HK$300 rebate after registration and meeting the below requirements in June 2024!

  3. Citi Mobile流動理財手機程式的Face ID/指紋登入之登記有效期有多長?. 基於保安理由,Citi Mobile ® App 的Face ID/指紋登入之登記有效期為90天。. 若您於90天內未有手動輸入密碼登入Citi Mobile ® App ,Citi Mobile ® App 的Face ID/指紋登入將自動關閉。. 如須重新啟動Face ID ...

  4. 透過Citibank個人網上理財服務,您只需動動指頭,即可輕鬆享受無縫嘅數碼銀行體驗。. 隨時隨地管理您嘅財務,並保持穩健嘅財務狀況。.

  5. 即刻用香格里拉會發掘國際級酒店禮遇!. 下載香港香格里拉會App 註冊成為用戶 3 ,提昇您嘅旅遊體驗:. 備註:. 只適用於花旗銀行 (香港)有限公司所發行的Citi 普通卡,Citi 金卡,Citi HKTVmall信用卡,Citi Plus®信用卡,Citi Rewards 信用卡 (Citi Rewards銀聯信用卡除外 ...

  6. 立即申請專享環球獎賞. Citi Pay with Points憑分消費服務 (「本服務」)適用於花旗銀行 (香港)有限公司 (「花旗銀行」) 所發行的Citi 普通卡,Citi 金卡,Citi Rewards 信用卡 (Citi Rewards銀聯信用卡除外),Citi PremierMiles 信用卡,Citi Plus ® 信用卡,Citi Prestige 信用卡及Citi ...

  7. Citi Pay with Points正式登陸KKday! %body%. 熱愛旅行嘅您,計劃行程一定識揀KKday!. 好消息!. Citi Pay with Points依家仲正式登陸KKday, 憑指定Citi信用卡喺香港KKday平台預訂本地以至外地吃喝玩樂,買景點門票或預訂觀光行程, 都可以無縫用Pay with Points憑分消費,直接用 ...

  8. Settle your daily expenses, bill payments and spending at 150,000+ merchants using Citi Credit Cards via WeChat Pay HK with ease now and offset your transactions using Pay with Points. What’s more, enjoy limited-time double rewards and earn up to HK$90 Citi Credit Card exclusive e-vouchers per month! Act now to grab the amazing deals!

  9. Cardholders must redeem a minimum amount, which is subject to the minimum required Points shown in the Citi Pay with Points page under Klook Online Platforms for each redemption. Statement credits will be posted to Eligible Cardholders’ Card Account within 7 calendar days of redemption.

  10. Cardholders must redeem a minimum amount, which is subject to the minimum required Points shown in the Citi Pay with Points page under Birdie Mobile App for each redemption. Statement credits will be posted to Designated Cardholders’ Card Account within 7 calendar days of redemption.

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