雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 承保範圍: 計劃選擇 您可以視乎預算和醫療需要,選擇計劃A或計劃B。兩項計劃均為受保人提供專科醫生診症服務及不限次數的網絡普通科醫生診症服務 2。同時,計劃B的網絡範圍擴及澳門和中國大陸,每名受保人每年亦可享有十次中醫門診服務、X 光診斷、化驗及免費年度醫療服務。

  2. 網上預約. 主要特點. 終身保障不設上限. 每個保單年度可索償高達港幣42萬元,而且您的終身保障並不設上限. 保障範圍廣泛周全. 您將享有入院前及出院後護理、日間手術前後的門診護理,以及本地精神科治療的合資格開支費用賠償. 保障未知的已有病症. 即使您患有未知的已有病症 4 ,在第2個保單年度起亦可得到部分保障,並在第4個保單年度起獲取全數保障. 可享稅務扣減. 您可就合資格保費申請稅務扣減 2 ,每名受保人的每年上限為港幣8,000元. 限時優惠 — 高達$900「獎賞錢」 Well+會員 完成「保障規劃」挑戰,可賺高達$900「獎賞錢」 。 受條款及細則約束. 。 額外保障. 專享醫療禮賓服務 5. 醫療禮賓顧問將為您服務,代您預約診症及處理保險有關文件。 如何投保. 投保資格.

  3. 自願醫保靈活計劃為您提供全面的保障,每年達港幣500萬元或以上,同時獲享稅務扣減優惠,讓您生活得更自在無憂。 了解更多計劃詳情。 Android 裝置的全新安全措施

  4. Assess your general health in just 30 seconds. Measure your heart rate, breathing, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, stress level and more through the video camera on your smart device. Get your health results with an explanation and a range of personalised health and lifestyle tips [@insurance-personalisedhealthtips].

  5. With the full medical coverage [@fullcoverage] provided by our VHIS Flexi plan, you won’t have to worry about whether your plan would cover all your medical expenses. Add to that a claims paid ratio [@insurance-claims-paid-ratio-2022] of 97% on our VHIS plans, you can rest assured that you will receive all the support you need, when you need it.

  6. Hang Ma rketing ms Conditions to ara to O i sag ree Set up your password must contain; d Il not the junk account Welcome to HSBC Life BenefitsPlusQ HSBC Choices Up to Extra 20% OFF on selected regular-priced or discounted offers: Category Health Scan.

  7. Choose from 4 levels of hospital cash payments according to your needs, with daily cash payments from HKD500 to HKD2,000. We’ll refund 30% of the premiums you’ve paid if you don’t claim for 5 consecutive years. We’ll pay double cash benefits in certain cases, up to a maximum of HKD3 million. On top of your daily cash benefits, we will ...