雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Master of Social Sciences in Criminology [MSocSc (Crim)] is the first and long established postgraduate criminology programme in Hong Kong. It offers a professional qualification for practitioners in criminal justice and related fields, and provides a foundation for advanced research degree studies in the discipline.

  2. 心理學家嘗試透過研究結果,描述、解釋及預測人的行為及思想,從而改變或改善人的生活及他們周圍的環境。. 心理學的應用層面廣泛,其中包括教學、輔導、健康及社區服務、管理及培訓、市場推廣等。. 輔導源自人本主義及存在主義心理學,以實踐為主 ...

  3. The Master of Social Sciences in Criminology [MSocSc (Crim)]is the first and long established postgraduate criminology programme in Hong Kong. It offers a professional qualification for practitioners in criminal justice and related fields, and provides a foundation for advanced research degree studies in the discipline.

  4. 本學院提供一系列不同的心理學課程,適合對各心理學範疇有興趣的人士報讀。 學院的教學團隊由資深心理學家及業內人士組成,務求將理論、技巧和親身經驗教授給學員。

  5. Criminology Major/Minor. Criminology is an interdisciplinary field in the social sciences, drawing especially upon the research of sociologists, but with important contributions from the fields of psychology, social work, law and human rights.

  6. 赫爾大學的犯罪學課程,不單給予學生向著名學府及國際級授學習犯罪學和刑事司法的機會,更開拓學生對犯罪活動、刑事司法以及社會科學的理解和認識,如研究方式等,讓學生日後可以從事相關工作,並學以致用。 除了 透過跨文化的犯罪學理論及廣闊的社會科學領域, 讓學生深入探討有關罪案及刑事司法的課題 ,此課程亦會涵蓋 有關如何解讀犯罪及異常行為的心理學課題。 Programme Highlights. Leading UK university for the study of crime, criminology and criminal justice;

  7. 提供全日制及兼讀制短期課程、專業課程、證書及文憑、學士學位、碩士課程及博士課程。.