雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 猜燈謎英文版 _謎語大全. 當然我很樂意幫助你回答猜燈謎英文版的問題以下是一些常見的燈謎並提供英文版本的解答: 1. 謎面:一月一日非今天。 (打一成語) 謎底:一日三秋. 英文版: January 1st is not today. (puzzle answer) One day three autumn. 2. 謎面:皇帝老爺坐金鑾殿。 (打一成語) 謎底:皇位至尊. 英文版: The emperor sits in the golden hall. (puzzle answer) Royal authority. 3. 謎面:說話常常不相關。 (打一成語) 謎底:東拉西扯.

  2. 以下是一些猜燈謎的英文版1. 謎面一月一日非今天打一英文單詞謎底yesterday. 2. 謎面兩個月亮打一英文單詞謎底two moons. 3. 謎面捲起千重浪打一英文單詞謎底ripple. 4. 謎面東張西望打一英文單詞謎底look around. 5. 謎面星星之火可以燎原打一英文單詞) 謎底:spark. 6. 謎面:一人一口一口吃個桃(打一英文單詞) 謎底:peach. 7. 謎面:早不說晚不說(打一英文單詞) 謎底:early/late. 8. 謎面:脫下靴子放屁(打一英文單詞) 謎底:foot. 9. 謎面:十分小心(打一英文單詞) 謎底:carefully. 10. 謎面:月亮彎彎照九州(打一英文單詞) 謎底:moonlight

  3. 好的我來嘗試回答一些猜燈謎的英文1. 謎面大字寫不完 (打一成語) 謎底:書法. 2. 謎面:魯達除霸 (打一成語) 謎底:粗中有細. 3. 謎面:寄信(打一成語) 謎底:信筆塗鴉. 4. 謎面:元前明後 (打一成語) 謎底:瞻前顧後. 5. 謎面:歸心似箭 (打一成語) 謎底:矢口否認. 6. 謎面:捲簾留玉句 (打一成語) 謎底:詞不達意. 7. 謎面:亡羊補牢 (打一成語) 謎底:悔之晚矣. 8. 謎面:話被夫人再三催 (打一成語) 謎底:逆耳忠言. 9. 謎面:春風秋月不相逢 (打一成語) 謎底:久別重逢. 10. 謎面:頂破天際見月明 (打一成語) 謎底:天外有天. 希望以上回答對您有所幫助! 樓下住滿人猜謎. 小吳排球笑話. 燈謎 一箭穿心. 笑話懂的女人五條馬路.

  4. 猜燈謎英文 _謎語大全. 以下是一些猜燈謎英文的建議: 1. When can I eat元宵?(我猜的是:I can eat the mooncake,英文謎底是:How soon can I eat the dumpling) 2. Why do dogs wag their tails all the time? (我猜的是:They don't understand they are always begging,英文謎底是:How can I take you home? 3. Who loves apples and pears? (我猜的是:Pandora,英文謎底是:One person who loves apples and pears is Pandora)

  5. 以下是一些與“猜燈謎”相關的英文燈謎: 1. The sky is high, but my thoughts are deeper. (猜一英文成語) 答案:Above-average. 2. The more you miss, the more you hit. (猜一英文單詞) 答案:Rebound. 3. The harder I work, the luckier I get. (猜一英文單詞) 答案:Effort. 4. The longer it lasts, the better it is. (猜一英文單詞) 答案:Endurance. 5. All that glitters is not gold. (猜一英文單詞) 答案:Non-precious metal. 6.

  6. 當然可以以下是一些元宵節猜燈謎的英文版: 1. 猜燈謎: "Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's just a little duck flying over the sea." 2. 打一動物: "A kind of animal that sleeps half the year and wakes up for half a year." 3. 打一食物: "A dish that is cooked in the dark and eaten in the daytime." 4. 猜燈謎: "It's round and red, but not a fruit. It's used to make sweet soup." 5.

  7. 以下是猜燈謎的英文:. 1. 燈下黑 - Under the lamp black (literal meaning refers to dark within the shadow of the lamp) 2. 七上八下 - Up to seven and down to eight (play on words with "above" and "below") 3. 直來直去 - Straight to the point (literal meaning of "直來直去" is to come and go directly) 4.

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