雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年1月31日 · Garden of Stars is a temporary attraction opened on the 15th of November 2015. Together with Starry Gallery close to East TST station are to replace “ Avenue of Stars “. Avenue of Stars, which was closed on the 8th of October 2015 for major repair and improvement works, has been reopened on January 31, 2019.

  2. 位于大屿山昂坪的昂坪市集 (Ngong Ping Village)是一个中式园林建筑风格的旅游景点,内设许多餐饮,购物和娱乐设施。. 可是由于过于商业化的氛围,许多游客感觉昂坪失去了原有的自然和宁静的风格。. 除了与著名的 昂坪360缆车站 以及 天坛大佛 毗邻,昂坪 ...

  3. One of Hong Kong’s most popular sight-seeing attraction finally finished its revamping. The famous Avenue of Stars reopens on January 31, 2019. Just right in time to welcome the “Year of the Pig” and enjoy the Chinese New Year fireworks display.

  4. 大嶼山的藍色出租車. 乘坐昂坪360纜車,你有兩個選擇: 普通車廂 和特別設計的 水晶車廂 。 普通車廂和其他纜車的車廂類似,而水晶車廂是用玻璃做成的,地板也是透明的玻璃,讓你享受真正全方位的視野。 不過就價格而言,水晶車廂比普通車廂稍微要貴一些。 雖然如此,如果你不是畏高,我們建議你不妨考慮選擇水晶車廂,尤其是當纜車從海洋上空經過的時候,你會有在一望無際的海面飛翔的感覺。 東涌昂坪360纜車站. 透過昂坪360纜車水晶車廂的玻璃底板向下看. 旅行TIPS: 目前,昂坪360纜車共有112個車廂。 每個普通車廂限乘17人(10個座位7個站位),而每個水晶車廂則限乘10人。 殘疾人士,長者和帶嬰兒車的乘客都可以乘坐。

  5. Looking for the Statue of Hong Kong Film Awards, the 4.5-meter tall bronze sculpture which is retuned to the entrance of the Avenue of Stars from Garden of Stars. From here you will start your journey crossing over 100 years of Hong Kong cinematic history along the 440-meter long promenade towards East Tsim Sha Tsui.

  6. 2012年4月19日 · There are two time slots for the wedding ceremony. One is in the late morning/noon time (10:00am – 1:00pm) and the other one in the afternoon (3:00pm – 6:00pm). In case you are really interested to get married at Snoopy’s World make sure to apply at least 3 months prior to the intended date of use of the wedding venue.

  7. 纜車全場5.7公里,是亞洲目前最長的吊掛式纜車。. 從纜車上你可以鳥瞰大嶼山的美麗風景。. 為了保護大嶼山周遭的環境不被纜車破壞,環境學家們仔細設計了纜車的線路。. 昂坪360纜車連接著東湧纜車總站和昂坪,全程需時25分鐘。. 你不僅可以看到美麗的大嶼 ...