雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 升級版Citibank網上理財為您提供更簡單、更快捷嘅理財體驗,等您有更多時間好好享受生活。 - 全新設計嘅服務選單,令您更輕易搵到您需要嘅銀行服務. - 您可以喺「設定及其他」管理所有賬戶設定同服務,包括個人資料詳情,電子月結單、卡及戶口同投資聲明等. 全新的服務選單. 獎賞及優惠- 最新信用卡優惠. (適用於信用卡客戶) 獎賞及優惠- 最新信用卡優惠. (適用於信用卡客戶) 財富管理- 各種財富管理嘅操作,例如: 股票交易 基金投資. 外幣兌換 / 交易 定期存款. 繳款及轉賬 - 唔同嘅轉賬服務,例如: 轉數快 轉賬 自動轉賬. 繳付Citi信用卡、賬單及貸款. 聯絡我們 - 聯絡您嘅客戶經理. (適用於Citigold 及Citigold Private Client 客戶)

  2. Online banking made easier for you. Manage your finances whenever, and wherever you are. Citibank Online is now upgraded and improved to bring you a hassle-free digital banking experience.

  3. 一開戶就有1.17% 年利率 年利率 1 . 只要完成4個日常任務,包括「儲錢」、「入錢」、「碌卡買嘢」同「投資 2 、唱外幣或買保險」就可以解鎖boost利率 . 加加埋埋年利率最高有成2.67% 年利率 1 ,您放喺Citi 利息Booster戶口嘅首30萬港幣存款就可以賺到更多利息 . 至Smart 攻略去完成任務. 基本利率 1.17% 年利率. 入錢 +0.3% 年利率 更多資料 > 儲錢 +0.3% 年利率 更多資料 > 「投資、唱外幣或買保險」 +0.6% 年利率 更多資料 > 碌卡買嘢 +0.3% 年利率. 更多資料 > 做邊個任務先都得 加加埋埋好易賺到2.67% 年利率! 隨時隨地喺App入面 track住進度.

  4. Top 6 credit card features. Citi Plus Credit Card is designed with a host of powerful features. Access the features and enjoy the ease of making payments at your convenience. The cards also offer a wide range of privileges to facilitate a wholesome experience. Citi Pay with Points. Offset transaction with Points in a click.

  5. important information. You should activate Emergency e-banking Service Lock only if you found suspicious login or suspect your login credentials have been compromised. There will have no impact to card transactions, pre-authorized or pre-scheduled payments. If you unfortunately fell into card related scams, report lost or stolen card immediately.

  6. Reach your financial goals—from buying a new car to starting a family. Track your progress in 7 categories - from saving for a trip to buying a new car. You can also set your total wealth target.

  7. Citi Plus - Citi Interest Booster. Easy missions to boost your interest rate up to 2.67% p.a. Your account comes with 1.17% p.a. base interest rate. Complete four simple, everyday missions such as “Maintain Balance”, “Fund-in”, “Spend” and “Invest 2, FX & Get Insured” to boost your interest rate.

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