雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. a rest home; an old folks' home

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  2. 2020年3月23日 · Koishikawa Korakuen is arguably one of the oldest and most exquisite traditional Japanese gardens in Tokyo. Like all Japanese gardens, you can find picture-perfect miniature hills, ponds, stones, trees, and vibrant flowers and foliage.

  3. 2020年3月27日 · Despite its establishment over 600 years ago, Nezu Shrine still proudly stands as one the most attractive shrines in Tokyo, with lush greenery, colorful flowers, a bright red wooden torii tunnel, classic koi ponds, and other elements of an ideal Japanese garden.

  4. 2015年1月23日 · Keiunkan Inn in Hayakawa, Yamanashi Prefecture is famous for holding the Guinness World Record for being "The Oldest Hotel in the World." Established in 705 A.D., it boasts such notable former guests as Daimyo Takeda Shingen, Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu and numerous Japanese emperors.

  5. 2017年9月15日 · Rakuten Travel has just announced a list of the top 10 historic hotels and ryokan inns across Japan that their customers rated good value for money. To be considered, the accommodation must be recognized as a Tangible Cultural Property, an Important Cultural Property, or a National Treasure by the Japanese government. Let's take a look! 10.

  6. 2016年5月6日 · Like the Japanese words maru (丸, circle) and kuruwa (曲輪, bent loop) imply, a bailey is literally a circle around the main keep. Castles can have any number of baileys, but generally they have at least three basic levels. These are called the honmaru (main bailey), ninomaru (second bailey) and sannomaru (third bailey).

  7. 2017年11月1日 · List: Japan's 12 Original-Construction Castles. www.thekanert.com. While Japan is home to over 300 castles, there are only 12 that still retain their original castle keep. The other castles only claim original outlying buildings, often with a recently reconstructed keep, and many more are simply ruins.

  8. 有170多年歷史的關東煮老字號!. 在日本關東煮非常受歡迎,所有的超商中都會有賣。. 但是要吃到真正的日本關東煮,你還是要去日本的老字號去吃!. 這家店有170多年的歷史,名符其實的老字號!. 這家老字號就在大阪著名的觀光景點道頓堀附近。. 經典的日式 ...

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