雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The London Chamber of Commerce and Industry has over 100 years experience in providing trusted and valued business-related qualifications. With over 8000 Centres in more than 86 countries around the world.

  2. 學校公告 天文台於1145宣布將會於未來2小時內宣布黑色暴雨警告,為同學安全着想,將暫停今天 (4/5/2024)所有下午課程,所有課程將會順延。. 地產代理資格考試課程 (開班日期:... Read More. 本校提供不同的文憑課程,務求讓學生在成為商業專才之同時,亦能掌握 ...

  3. ERB課程. 本網提供了報讀商專的各項課程資料,包括會計、商業、工商管理、英語及科技資訊等。 由兼讀制至全日制的課程,助同學考取不同的專業資格及提升學歷,為將來的升學及事業發展提供更好的準備.

  4. Candidates must check with their Examination Centres for the registration closing dates which at overseas Centres may well be earlier than the dates set by Pearson. All centres must submit Examination Entries to Pearson no later than: April 2023 series – 6 March 2023. September 2023 series – 25 July 2023.

  5. 最新的考試日期將會安排在2024 年4 ,同學仍可以在2024 年4 月份參加上述受影響的科目。 具體的考試報名程序和詳情仍需要等待IAB 公佈。 Pearson 網站: https://www.lcciasia.com/

  6. Course Content: This course is designed to prepare students for the LCCI Cost and Management Accounting – Level 3 examination. Cantonese will be used as the medium of instruction provided with English learning materials specially written for the exam. 1. Inventory management. 2. Short-term decision making. 3. Accounting for overheads. 4.

  7. 僱員再培訓局的通用技能課程及技能提升課程學費,乃根據學員獲編班時的收入狀況來釐定,並須提交課程開班日三個月內的入息文件以茲證明。. 而學費類別主要分為下列三種情況: 申請豁免繳費資格 (失業人士 (包括待業及失學)及低收入人士 (每月入息*為 ...