雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年1月4日 · Here are just a few of the top Japan-related events you won’t want to miss in 2016! 7. Setouchi Triennale (Mar. 20-Apr. 17, Jul. 18-Sep. 4, Oct. 8-Nov. 6) The Setouchi Triennale art show on the charming Kagawa Prefecture islands in the Seto Inland Sea is a treat for art aficionados and tourists alike. The venue is set across twelve idyllic ...

  2. 2015年10月20日 · On October 1, 2015, Japan established the Japan Sports Agency to promote sports and take a comprehensive approach to its administrative policy. Highlighting Japan spoke with Daichi Suzuki, commissioner of the Japan Sports Agency and 1988 Seoul Olympics 100-meter backstroke gold medalist, and asked him about the development of sports policy in ...

  3. 2015年12月10日 · With the December 1 announcement of the Michelin Guide Tokyo 2016, Japan's capital has maintained its title as the world's most Michelin-starred city for another year. The guide itself will be available for purchase from December 4. Thanks to the promotion of Kagurazaka's Kohaku, a Japanese restaurant specializing in multi-course kaiseki ...

  4. 2016年7月18日 · The Aritayaki Wristwatch. Japanese Aritayaki ware, also known as Imari porcelain, can be traced back to the year 1616 when an immigrant Korean potter discovered Kaolinite (the main component of porcelain) and setup kilns in Kyushu, which began producing blue and white porcelain. Today, Aritayaki is characterized by its intricate cobalt blue and ...

  5. 2016年4月29日 · Not only can you catch a few traditional annual Golden Week events, but also some pretty rare ones too! 1. Karo Jinja Ho-enya Matsuri (April 29, Tottori) The Karo Jinja Ho-enya Matsuri, or Karo Shrine Ho-enya Festival, only takes place every two years, and 2016 welcomes it with open arms! Kibi no Makibi, an eighth-century Japanese envoy to Tang ...

  6. 2016年10月3日 · 俘虏了世界的印花——LIBERTY LONDON降临优衣库. 李亚静 2016年10月3日 更新. 购物 设计 时尚 假日购物. horstson.de. 优衣库终于实现了与有着140多年历史的伦敦老店【LIBERTY 】的首次合作。. 超越了世代、文化的差别,备受世界人民喜爱的LIBERTY印花,将点缀在优衣库的 ...

  7. 2017年9月25日 · 5款夏天吃才最对味的日式盖浇饭. 今天我们要向大家介绍以下食谱:“金枪鱼牛油果盖浇饭”、“鲑鱼盖浇饭”、“猪肉盖浇饭”、“亲子(鸡蛋鸡肉)盖浇饭”和“三色盖浇饭”。. 他们深受OYSHEE的美食编辑推荐,所以请尝试一下!.