雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 从最经典的开始,其中包括街头特色小吃、传统包点以及港式餐厅的地道美食! 经典本地美食包括: 咖喱鱼蛋 绝对是香港人最喜爱的小吃!无论是原味、炸的或辣的,都始终比不上咖喱味。爽口弹牙的鱼蛋,搭配浓郁辛香的咖喱汁,一口一颗,鲜美开胃…您没吃过,又怎么好意思说自己在香港 ...

  2. 選擇您想吃的麵類,再從十數款配料中挑選最愛,當中就以牛腩、咖哩魚蛋、蘿蔔、魷魚最受歡迎。 車仔麵絕對是本地人的熱愛之選。 「打邊爐」 即是火鍋,香港人一年四季都會吃! 食客把新鮮食材放進特色湯底裡煮熟,點上醬汁,趁熱即吃。 了解更多. 分享至. 港多一點: 立即與同事於午飯時間試盡這些美食,並用簡便的 PayMe from HSBC 分拆賬單。 PayMe 是本港常用的電子轉賬應用程式,只需手機號碼,隨時隨地輕按手機即可自由轉賬,費用全免,湊錢吃飯,從此無需現金。 儲值支付工具牌照編號:SVFB002.

  3. 食家請注意!. 想到香港人氣食府品嘗,有什麼建議嗎?. 「越是期待越是美味」,這是本地食家對美食的信念。. 一早守候必吃的米芝蓮餐廳,或是花一整個晚上品嚐十道菜的家族盛宴。. 為了色香味美,等多久,亦心甘情願。. 每逢周末,排隊等位子更是假日 ...

  4. 想到香港人气食府品尝,有什么建议吗?. 「越是期待越是美味」,这是本地食客对美食的信念。. 一早守候必吃的米其林餐厅,或是花一整个晚上品尝十道菜的家族盛宴。. 为了色香味美,等多久,都心甘情愿。. 每逢周末,排队等位更是假日常备节目之一;在 ...

  5. A single grain of rice, though seemingly inconsequential, can amass to yield a rich harvest when accumulated. The Hongkong Bank Foundation is steadfastly committed to forging connections within the community through meaningful actions. Drawing inspiration from "rice", we introduce the SOULFULL initiative. These heartfelt messages from our community will accompany love-infused lunchboxes ...

  6. Curry fish balls Arguably Hong Kong’s best-loved nibble, fish balls come in many flavours: regular, fried, spicy. The favourite by far, though, is the curried variety. Succulent fish balls drenched in hot curry sauce, hmm…you can’t call yourself a local if you don’t have

  7. It is an app dedicated to HSBC credit cards in Hong Kong, designed to let you make table reservations when you connect it to your Openrice account. You can earn RewardCash for every eligible table reservation you make with the app and no registration is required. Learn More about HSBC Reward+. Terms and Conditions apply.