雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 體驗. 【東京自由行】低溫來襲,抗寒必備!. 東京都內導入天然溫泉的「錢湯」地圖. Demi 2019年7月12日 更新. 雪 日本初體驗 深度日本 錢湯 東京 關東地區. 錢湯是日本具有歷史意義的文化,在日劇中也常常看到錢湯的出現。. 之所以會有「錢湯」的存在,是因為 ...

  2. 到日本總會想要體驗一下日式風情的溫泉吧! 感受煙霧繚繞暖湯中仰頭看著滿天星斗的閒情逸致,或是享受岩盤浴、按摩,讓身心好好放鬆! 日本人深愛泡湯文化,甚至還有溫泉療養一說,因此不論季節,甚至是炙熱的夏天也一樣有許多人會前往泡湯! 若旅人不想舟車勞頓,其實在東京都內一樣能享受泡湯,這次整理了幾間位於東京都內的天然溫泉設施,不僅坐電車就能在短時間內輕鬆抵達,更能以實惠的價格享受優質的溫泉! 東京溫泉推薦1|新宿天然温泉「テルマー湯(Thermae湯 )」 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063462117165. 可曾想過在購物鬧區的新宿就有溫泉可以泡?

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 2018年8月24日 · 10 Beautiful Onsen in Kyoto. Onsen Ryokan Sea of Japan First Time in Japan Day Trips Japan Tips From Locals Kyoto Arashiyama. Did you know that Kyoto’s actually a hot springs hotspot? That’s why we’ve put together a list of hot spring facilities you can drop into just for the day during your travels. Kyoto Station Area. Tensyo-no-Yu.

  5. 2018年11月9日 · flic.kr. We’ve carefully selected 10 onsen hot springs in the Tokyo metropolitan area just for you. Our guide includes traditional onsen great for day trips, cost-effective onsen and romantic onsen perfect for couples. We’ve even included some onsen hotels, the perfect escape from the craziness of Tokyo!

  6. 2018年8月24日 · Tenzan-no-Yu is a public bath using natural hot spring water. Since it's so close to the attractions of Arashiyama and Sagano, it's perfect to visit at the end of a day out. In addition to the stone open-air bath, it benefits from facilities such as an artificially carbonated bath and a sauna. - www.kyoto-kankou.or.jp. 1.

  7. 2017年12月20日 · Michael Kanert Updated December 20, 2017. Onsen Accommodation Ryokan Luxury Hakone. Toki no Yu Setsugetsuka (季の湯 雪月花) is a luxury ryokan in Hakone, Tokyo's favorite hot spring (onsen) retreat. This Japanese-style inn is located a 2-minute walk south of Gora Station, where the Hakone Tozan Line ends and the Hakone Tozan Cable Car begins.

  8. 在藏王,你可以享受擁有1900年曆史的經典溫泉;'可以觀賞到別處未曾見過的,被稱為Ice Monster的樹冰絕景; 還 可以在當地租賃或帶上你的滑雪裝備,任自己在被大雪掩蓋的深山中盡情玩耍。這樣的藏王,一定值得你一來再來。