雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Digital Card is a service provided to view your Digital Card details (Card number, Card expiry date and Digital Card CVV2) upon Card Approval/ Card Issuance and to activate your Digital Card via Citi Mobile ® App and make Payments in connection with goods

  2. 詳情. 常見問題. 查看全部. 虛擬卡是什麼? 您可以喺卡獲批或獲發後查看您嘅虛擬卡詳細信息 (卡號,卡到期日和虛擬卡驗證碼 (CVV2),並通過Citi Mobile 流動理財手機程式啟用您嘅虛擬卡,然後去進行同商品或服務有關嘅付款。 虛擬卡是新卡? 虛擬卡並不是新嘅Citi信用卡,而是一個新服務等你喺你張實體卡未到時,都可以進行同商品或服務有關嘅付款。 臨時驗證碼 (CVV2)是什麼? 喺Citi Mobile 流動理財手機程式啟用虛擬卡後可以獲得臨時驗證碼 (CVV2)去進行有關付款,成功啟用實體卡之後就由您嘅實體卡驗證碼 (CVV2)代替。 我需唔需要去申請或登記成為虛擬卡用戶? 無需額外申請或登記,您可以直接通過CitiMobile 流動理財手機程式去啟用。

  3. 透過Citibank個人網上理財服務,您只需動動指頭,即可輕鬆享受無縫嘅數碼銀行體驗。. 隨時隨地管理您嘅財務,並保持穩健嘅財務狀況。.

  4. 快速瀏覽賬戶最新資訊. 輕鬆一掃即可睇晒賬戶資訊同交易紀錄. 唔會再錯過月結單. 收到月結單通知後可隨時隨地查看 電子月結單. 貼心理財alert. 一login,即時顯示要處理嘅賬戶事宜,例如啟動新卡、繳款提示等. 更多獎賞及優惠. 我哋會因應您嘅個人需要,專心挑選啱您嘅理財產品同服務,仲有更多獎賞及優惠等緊您。 千其唔好錯過呢個機會! 捕捉心水靚價唱外幣. 啓動 Global Wallet 功能,並以心水靚價買入外幣,就可以用您嘅 Debit Mastercard 喺海外網站 shopping 時,直接扣外幣戶口兼 Citi 唔收任何手續費! 了解更多. 理財變得前所未有咁靈活.

  5. The Citi Mobile ® App. A simpler, faster and safer way of banking is here. Get more with just one app. Designed with you in mind. We’ve been working hard to bring you a quicker and smarter mobile banking experience that continues to be all about you.

  6. 簡化轉賬交易步驟. 一App喺手就可以隨時隨地轉賬同找卡數. 全面掌握財富狀況. 股票交易、實時外匯、投資基金,同您捉緊每個市場機遇. Citi Mobile® 流動保安編碼. 隨時隨地取得「一次性密碼」為交易作雙重認證.

  7. The new intuitive design makes digital banking easier, access all your payment features whether on your mobile or desktop. Make payments from any of your devices online with our upgraded payment dashboard. Learn more