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  1. How do I contact the Hong Kong Jockey Club? 相關

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  1. www.hkjc.com › home › chinese香港賽馬會

    馬會官方投注網域名稱為bet.hkjc.com。 不要向可疑第三者提供敏感的個人資料、投注戶口資料及「智財卡」密碼。 如閣下懷疑或曾經向可疑第三者提供個人資料及投注戶口詳情,請立即經HKJC網上客戶中心 ( cc.hkjc.com )更改投注戶口密碼,及致電1818與我們聯絡,並立刻向警方報案。 提防可疑工作徵求. 香港賽馬會堅定致力於提供平等透明的招聘平台,求職人士可按需要 經本會渠道 申請工作。 本會絕不會向任何申請者索取任何款項。 詐騙集團亦會以高薪工作機會作招徠,吸引求職者誤墮騙局。 如收到任何可疑的工作徵求,請立即電郵 careers@hkjc.org.hk 與我們聯絡。 我們重視招聘過程的誠信,以及對工作申請的信任。 求職人士的個人安全對本會而言是最為首要的。 最新消息.

  2. At the Hong Kong Jockey Club, we pride ourselves on a recruitment process that is transparent and fair. We strongly encourage all potential candidates to seek job opportunities solely through our official channels. We urge you to be alert to fraudulent activities that may ask for application fees or offer unusually high salaries.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 聯絡我們 - 香港賽馬會. 投注戶口申領表格. 顧客服務 – 聯絡我們. 申請表格. 推廣優惠. 意見 / 建議表格. 為盡快協助您了解各方面的常用資訊及操作指引,您可瀏覽下列網頁連結: 本會最新公佈: https://racingnews.hkjc.com/chinese/ 關於個人資料更改: https://special.hkjc.com/infomenu/ch/info/change.asp. 關於密碼重設: https://special.hkjc.com/infomenu/ch/info/password.asp. 關於轉賬途徑: https://special.hkjc.com/infomenu/ch/info/deposit.asp.

  5. Check the box to receive future promotional materials from The Hong Kong Jockey Club. * The personal data collected via this web form (including name and tel. no.) will be passed to the relevant HKJC departments in handling this case ONLY.

  6. The Club may provide certain Facilities to Operators who are authorised by or under the laws of Hong Kong to respectively conduct Betting on horse races, football matches and Lotteries in Hong Kong. These Rules have been made by the Stewards of the Jockey Club in accordance with the Club’s Memorandum of Association to govern the provision of the Facilities.

  7. Those in need can get immediate help by calling Ping Wo Fund hotline at 1834 633 or contact the problem gambling counselling and treatment services providers.

  8. 10場 首場開跑-12:45pm. 海外賽事 (S1) 1場 首場開跑-2:40pm. 海外賽事 (S2) 1場 首場開跑-9:40pm. 場地資訊:. 資料尚未公佈. 彩池資訊:. 資料尚未公佈. 更易事項:. 沒有更易事項.