雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 齲齒 (Dental caries),一般稱為 蛀牙 ,指的是牙齒上出現了蛀孔,是牙齒受 細菌 侵犯的結果。 齲齒或稱蛀牙,是最常見的健康問題。 如果不及時治療,蛀孔會演變成大洞,侵蝕到牙齒深層構造,可能導致嚴重的 牙痛 、 感染 ,甚至牙齒脫落。 齲齒有多常見. 蛀牙是極為普遍的健康情況,發生在各種年齡層,但患者中更常見到 兒童 、青少年及老年人。 想降低罹患齲齒的機率,必需靠減少風險因素的方法來達成。 想要進一步了解詳情,請與您的牙醫師討論。 齲齒、蛀牙的症狀. 齲齒常見症狀包括: 牙痛. 牙齒變 敏感. 碰到 甜食 ,過熱或 過冷 的食物時,牙齒突然感覺不舒服或劇疼. 牙齒表面出現小孔或洞. 牙齒表面上有棕色、黑色的點或白色軟狀 堆積物. 咬到東西時會感到疼痛.

    • 牙痛

      牙痛需要請牙醫師進行治療。 牙痛的風險因素 欲進一步了解 ...

    • 甜食

      「糖」扮演日常飲食中很重要的角色,除了許多料理都需要用 ...

    • 健牙

      在現今的社會中,大家都很注重外表,大多人都希望自己的牙 ...

    • 蛀牙

      擁有一口白皙健康的白牙,是每個人的夢想,但是現實往往事 ...

    • 檸檬

      若對副作用有任何疑慮,請諮詢草藥醫師或醫師。 使用檸檬的 ...

    • 細菌

      如下列,牙刷是許多病菌的溫床: 變種鏈球菌(Mutans ...

    • Overview
    • Symptoms
    • Causes
    • Risk Factors
    • Complications
    • Prevention

    Cavities are areas in the hard surface of your teeth that are damaged. These areas of tooth decay become tiny openings or holes that can lead to a serious toothache, infection and tooth loss. There are several causes of cavities, including bacteria in your mouth, snacking a lot, sipping sugary drinks and not cleaning your teeth well. Cavities and t...

    The symptoms of cavities vary, depending on how many you have and where they're located. When a cavity is just beginning, you may not have any symptoms. As the decay gets larger, it may cause symptoms such as: 1. Toothache and other pain. 2. Tooth sensitivity. 3. Mild to sharp pain when eating or drinking something sweet, hot or cold. 4. Holes or p...

    Tooth decay causes cavities. This is a process that occurs over time. Here's how tooth decay happens: 1. Plaque forms.Dental plaque is a clear sticky film that coats your teeth. It's due to eating a lot of sugars and starches and not cleaning your teeth well. When you don't clean sugars and starches off your teeth, bacteria quickly begin feeding on...

    Anyone who has teeth can get cavities, but these factors raise the risk: 1. Tooth location.Decay most often occurs in your back teeth — your molars and premolars. These teeth have lots of grooves, pits and crannies, and multiple roots that can collect food particles. That's why they're harder to keep clean than your smoother, easy-to-reach front te...

    Cavities and tooth decay are so common that you may not take them seriously. And you may think that it doesn't matter if children get cavities in their baby teeth. But cavities and tooth decay can have serious and lasting complications, even for children who don't have their permanent teeth yet. Complications of cavities may include: 1. Pain. 2. Ab...

    Good oral and dental hygiene can help keep you from getting cavities. Here are some tips to help prevent cavities. Ask your dentist which tips are best for you. 1. Brush with fluoride toothpaste after eating or drinking.Brush your teeth at least twice a day, and ideally after every meal, using toothpaste with fluoride. To clean between your teeth, ...

  2. 2020年7月30日 · Takeaway. Tooth decay can appear differently depending on the stage of severity. You may experience more symptoms, including pain and swollen lymph nodes, at later stages. Tooth decay is damage...

  3. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Tooth_decayTooth decay - Wikipedia

    Tooth decay, also known as cavities or caries, is the breakdown of teeth due to acids produced by bacteria. [6] The cavities may be a number of different colors, from yellow to black. [1] Symptoms may include pain and difficulty eating.

  4. 2022年3月2日 · Tooth decay occurs when bacteria in the mouth produce acids that attack the enamel, or protective outer layer of the tooth. If left untreated, tooth decay could lead to gum disease, cavities, and possibly tooth loss. Unfortunately, tooth decay is very prevalent in the United States.

    • Karon Warren
  5. 齲 ㄑㄩˇ 齒 ,俗稱 蛀牙 ,指 牙齒 因 細菌 活動而造成分解的現象 [1] 。 常見的齲齒菌種是乳酸鏈球菌(lactococcus garvieae)與轉糖鏈球菌(streptococcus mutans)等革蘭氏陽性好氧菌 [2] ,它們代謝 醣類 後會產生能腐蝕牙齒的酸性物質。 齲齒時會呈現黃色到黑色之間的不同顏色,其症狀包含疼痛與進食困難 [3] [4] ,併發症包含 牙齒周圍組織發炎 (英語:Periodontal pathology) 、 牙齒喪失 (英語:Tooth loss) 與形成 牙齒膿腫 [5] [3] 。 人類學 的許多證據顯示原始人很少齲齒,但在一萬年前 農業革命 之後多數人類逐漸以富含 澱粉 (屬 多醣 )的穀物為主食,齲齒好發率遽增 [6] 。

  6. 蛀牙. [ Tooth Decay ] 為什麼會蛀牙? 蛀牙是一種牙齒鈣化組織流失的疾病。 初期,只會在進食時或觸摸該部份面頰時感到輕微酸痛感覺,到了牙艱被侵蝕時,患者即使沒有觸碰牙齒也會感到嚴重的痛楚。 構成蛀牙要四個因素:糖份、病菌、時間和牙齒;首三個因素是可以控制的。 甜的食物都含糖份,但不是所有含糖份食物都有甜味。 含有澱粉質的米飯和馬鈴薯分解後就是糖。 黏附在牙齒上的細菌只要有足夠時間分解糖份,就會釋出酸性,蛀蝕牙齒。 如何預防蛀牙? 預防蛀牙,只要少吃甜食,尤其是有黏性的如拖肥和麥芽糖;還要經常保持口腔清潔。 小童定期接受氟素治療,以及在牙坑紋塗上牙紋防蛀劑。 蛀牙應如何治療? 最好治療方法是修補牙齒,醫生會因應不同的情況而使用銀粉、樹脂或游離子填充失去部份。

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