雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 「滙豐裕達年金計劃」是由新造年金業務穩佔香港市場第一 [@no1annuityprovider]的滙豐保險承保,憑專業為您籌劃退休需要。 想知道如何獲取更完善保障? 今日就讓我們的財務策劃經理為您親身籌劃。 網上預約. 主要特點. 靈活滿足您的資金所需. 您可最快在供款一年後選擇每月收取年金金額 [@monthlyannuitypayment2]或將年金積存在保單內,以累積生息. 財富顯著增長. 為了減低通脹帶來的影響,年金期首10年的每月保證年金金額逐年遞增3%;由年金期第11年起,更可收取由紅利所累積的每月非保證年金金額. 長期穩定收入. 高達25年或至99歲 [@birthdaydefinition]的每月年金收入,讓您安享退休生活. 認知障礙保障選項.

  2. HSBC Flourish Income Annuity Plan. Enjoy both flexibility and potential capital growth in your retirement. Choose to pay your premium over just a few years and receive annuity payments every month for up to 25 years or till the age [@birthdaydefinition] of 99.

  3. Retire worry-free with monthly income. Enjoy financial peace of mind in your retirement with a combination of payment and annuity options, and tax savings [@taxdeduction] on premiums paid during premium payment period.

  4. Our HSBC EarlyIncome Deferred annuity Plan can help you reap benefits today and tomorrow, so you can maintain the lifestyle you want. EarlyIncome Deferred Annuity Plan is certified by the Insurance Authority as qualifying deferred annuity policy.

  5. Our Income Goal Deferred Annuity Plan offers a combination of payment and annuity options to help you enjoy your senior years comfortably. With it, you can look forward to a regular income stream during your retirement and claim tax deduction for it.

  6. 2023年5月14日 · Our HSBC Flourish Income Annuity Plan gives you all-round retirement planning through income generation and wealth accumulation, with flexibility to adapt to your evolving needs. Flexibility for enhancing security.

  7. HSBC Life - The no. 1 provider of new annuity business in Hong Kong 3 Well-placed to attend to the broad spectrum of customers’ retirement needs. The above plans are Qualifying Deferred Annuity Policies certified by the Insurance Authority of the Hong Kong SAR.