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  1. 2024年8月9日 · 白沙灘 Sao Beach. 因為沙質潔白細緻而被譽為「牛奶沙灘」的白沙灘位於富國島南端,距離機場約半小時車程, 其清澈的海水、奶白色的沙灘及充滿熱帶風情的椰子樹絕景,曾被票選為世界五個最美海灘之一。 沙灘內有香蕉船、衝浪、浮潛等多種水上活動供大家選擇,旅客亦可坐在沙灘椅上享受日光浴,更有海上鞦韆讓遊客打卡拍照。 由於白沙灘有專人管理,所以裡面的所有設備,包括停車場亦須收費。 地址: Sao Beach, Phu Quoc, Kien Giang, Vietnam. 海星沙灘 Starfish Beach. 因滿地海星而命名的海星沙灘位於富國島北部的 Rach Vem 漁村,由機場出發約 1 小時車程。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
    • Tips For Self-Driving Tours During The Covid-19 Pandemic
    • Hong Kong Car Rental Frequently Asked Questions
    • What Documents Are Needed When Picking Up Your Rental Car?
    • Do You Need to Return The Rental Car with A Full tank?
    • Is It Safe to Share A Rental Car?
    • Contact Kwiksure For More Insurance Solutions

    1. Don't go on one if you show symptoms of the novel coronavirus

    According to the Department of Health's guidelines, the most common COVID-19 symptoms include fever, fatigue, dry cough and difficulty breathing. Get tested as soon as possible and avoid traveling if you display any of these symptoms. Other signs of COVID-19 include: 1. Nasal congestion 2. Headache 3. Conjunctivitis 4. Sore throat 5. Diarrhea 6. Loss of taste or smell 7. Rash 8. Fingernails or toenails changing colors

    2. Sanitize often

    After picking up your car, use antiseptic alcohol or wet wipes to wipe down the most frequently used areas of the car, such as the steering wheel, armrests, seats, seat belts, touch screens, etc. This is to prevent contracting residual germs and viruses from the previous driver. We also recommend opening the windows while driving to maintain air circulation. Here are five ways to keep your car safe from germs and viruses.

    3. Stay vigilant when out driving or refueling your vehicle

    Remember to wear a mask when you get off to take a break or visit scenic spots. Before eating, wash your hands with soap for 30 seconds or use a hand sanitizer if that's not an option.

    Is there an age limit for who can rent a car for personal use?

    In Hong Kong, anyone aged 25 or above and holds a valid Hong Kong driver's license for at least two years may rent a vehicle.

    What's the average rate for renting a car in Hong Kong?

    If you're renting a vehicle during the day time, the rate is roughly $600 to $1,000 per day. This price fluctuates based on: 1. How much mileage is included in the rental price? 2. Is there 24-hour road support? 3. What's the fuel calculation method? 4. Is car insurance included? 5. Is there a surcharge for additional drivers? 6. How much surcharge is required if you pick up and return the vehicle outside of the designated location? 7. Are you paying rental fees for any additional equipment (...

    Renting a vehicle for personal use requires several documents: your ID card, driver's license, pick-up ticket, proof of address for the last three months, and credit card. If you're renting a car under a company name, you must present a valid business registration copy and company seal. Keep in mind that each rental company has different regulation...

    Most car rental companies ask their customers to return the vehicles with a full tank. Otherwise, they might charge you a service fee.

    Car-sharing is the act of renting out idle cars on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. However, we do not recommend this. In the event of a traffic accident, it is difficult to clarify who is responsible. In addition, there have been numerous similar disputes in the past. Even if an agreement has been signed, it is not foolproof. Therefore, we recom...

    Kwiksure has more than 20 years of experience in the car insurance industry. Aside from car insurance (third-party and comprehensive), we also provide home insurance, motorcycle insurance, Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS), Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) insurance, and many more! Get a free quote now with our online quotation tool, or ...

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  2. 2022年8月18日 · 《緣路山旮旯》5大打卡秘景自駕遊. 作者: Anthony Chan 分享: 最近上映的港產片《緣路山旮旯》因主演岑珈其的外表被毒舌批評而成為焦點,故事講述男主角和五個住在香港偏僻地方的女角的愛情故事,當中包括沙頭角、下白泥、梅子林及澄碧邨等地方。 電影中綺麗的風光讓觀眾不禁感嘆「香港真係好靚」,趁著還未正式開關,快而保就為大家介紹如何自駕前往這六個郊遊打卡必到之處。 沙頭角:揭開邊境禁區面紗. 蘇麗珊飾演的 A Lee 家住北區沙頭角,由於當地被列為禁區,故此需要沙頭角居民做擔保再到警署申請禁區紙方可進入。 沙頭角之所以成為禁區,是因為其接壤深圳市鹽田區,當時政府為了打擊非法入境等犯罪,就把這區作為禁區以作緩衝。 幸好由今年六月起,原屬禁區的沙頭角碼頭正式開放。

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  3. 2024年8月29日 · Z H2 是 Z 街車系列中的旗艦車款,搭載最大馬力輸出為 200 ps 的機械增壓引擎,提供強大的加速力。 經特殊設計的編織式車架,於中低轉速時提供強勁扭力表現之餘保持穩定。 沒有啡呤的 Z H2 在性能相若的車款之中較為輕量,相對容易操控,更配備豐富的電子控制系統。 川崎 Kawasaki|復古街車(Retro Bike) Z 900RS + Z 650RS - 復古造型現代配置. Z 900RS 及 Z 650RS 分別源自於運動街車 Z 900 及 Z 650,只在細節及配件中作出變化。 為增加復古味道,兩款 RS 均以編織式車架配上圓潤的水滴型油缸,並將標準版的 TFT 錶板換成有 LCD 顯示屏的傳統雙圓頭指針錶板。

  4. 2018年11月7日 · Instead, it is very common nowadays to go on a self-drive tour where you can travel at your own pace and truly enjoy the sense of freedom. Nonetheless, even with help from the latest gadgets, driving in an exotic locale can still be nerve-wracking and challenging.

  5. The scheme allows Hong Kong private vehicles to travel to Guangdong Province via the HKZM Bridge on a self-driving tour for brief stays, without the need to apply for a permit under the “regular quota” system. Drivers can stay for up to 30 days each time, and

  6. 2019年9月6日 · 1. Knowing the types of insurance available. There are two mains types of car insurance available in Hong Kong. Let’s get to know them better to see which one is more suitable for you. Third-party liability insurance. Third-party coverage is the minimum insurance requirement you will need if you own a car in Hong Kong.

  1. banff tour package 相關

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  3. Stories of People who went to different dimensions and back. There really do seem to be interdimensional warps