雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. We are with you at all times and you may view your bank or credit card statements on the Citi Mobile App or Citibank Online, while your advices may be viewed or downloaded via Citibank Online. Stay safe!

  2. www.citibank.com.hk › HKGCBCitibank Online

    <meta http-equiv="refresh" id="mtaJSCheck" content="0; URL=&#x2f;HKGCB&#x2f;JPC&#x2f;portal&#x2f;LoadSimplePage.do&#x3f;path&#x3d;&#x2f;noscript.html&#x26;JFP_TOKEN&# ...

  3. www.citibank.com.hk › LoginEntryCitibank Hongkong

    Citibank Hong Kong is your one-stop destination for banking, card, investment, insurance and other services. Log in to your account, access global financial solutions, and enjoy cash rebates and market insights. Citibank Hong Kong, the bank that works for you.

  4. Citibank Online網上理財提供靈活簡便的服務,助您隨個人喜好開立或更新定期存款,理財更有預算! 網上服務讓您: 開立多種貨幣及存款期的定期存款

  5. 全新面貌嶄新功能讓您享受更Chill級的理財體驗. 我們為您帶來簡易便捷的網上及流動理財體驗,讓您一手理財,一手掌控生活。. 您可透過網上及流動理財輕鬆繳付賬單、轉賬、查閱結餘、查閱信用卡積分及優惠、查閱電子月結單及電子通知書等。.

  6. 申請Citi The Club 信用卡享價 值HK$2,000升級獨家獎賞! 更多詳情 申請Citi The Club 信用卡一邊賺一邊憑積分消費! 更多詳情 申請Citi Rewards 信用卡簽賬賺取高達10X積分 ...

  7. www.citibank.com.hk › LoginEntry_cCitibank Hongkong

    登入花旗銀行香港網上理財服務,享受便捷和安全的銀行體驗。您可以在線管理您的賬戶、信用卡、貸款、投資和保險 ...

  8. 透過Citibank個人網上理財服務您只需動動指頭即可輕鬆享受無縫嘅數碼銀行體驗。. 隨時隨地管理您嘅財務,並保持穩健嘅財務狀況。.

  9. Citibank Online is now upgraded and improved to bring you a hassle-free digital banking experience. Managing your finances have never been easier, with more extensive banking features, we give you control over your finances and the ability to self-serve in real-time, at your convenience.

  10. Citibank Hong Kong provides secure online banking services for account management, funds transfer, bill payments, and more.

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