雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 透過數碼理財進行本地付款/轉賬,每日小額轉賬限額最高為港幣10,000元 [@transfer-and-payment-payeelimit-smallvaluepayment] 經電子直接付款授權增值滙豐戶口的本地轉賬,每日最高總限額為港幣100,000元 [@transfer-and-payment-payeelimit-edda] 每日轉賬及繳費限額 [@transfer-and-payment ...

  2. HSBC Premier Elite and HSBC Premier customers can chat with their Relationship Manager and team during service hours, for free. You can contact them via the HSBC HK Mobile Banking app, HSBC Online Banking, WhatsApp or WeChat. Chat with your Relationship Manager and team today about any banking enquiries you may have.

  3. Log off from your HSBC Hong Kong personal internet banking account securely and easily. Learn more about our products and services online.

  4. Y世代(25-39歲). 網戀騙局偷心又偷金,您會中招嗎?. 「我和您一樣,都受過情傷,遇上您真的太幸運了。. 「我好想您,您這幾天做了些甚麼?. 「我現在人在外國,不能和您見面,剛好攝像頭又壞了,運氣也太差了。. 「我這陣子周轉困難,您可以先匯款幫我 ...

  5. Gordon作為家庭的經濟支柱,需要為家庭提供穩定的財務保障,萬一Gordon不幸離世,人壽保險亦可為他的家人作出財務 支援。. 針對兒子的教育支出,考慮由現在兒子7歲到25歲共18年期間的教育基金需要,預算於本地就讀小學至中學,並計劃於 美國升讀大學,預計合共約港幣 ...

  6. Your bank at work. Introducing Employee Banking Solutions (EBS). It's specially designed to provide banking solutions for employees of leading organisations, like you. Through our relationship with your employer, we're delighted to offer you exclusive packaged benefits that you may not usually be able to enjoy.

  7. 表格名稱 用途 僱主申請表 申請參加滙豐強積金計劃。 下載強積金計劃說明書 表格下載 IN11 表格名稱 用途 個人稅務居民自我證明表格(CRS-I (HK)–MPF) 確認獨資業務客戶個人的共同匯報標準相關資料。 表格下載 INCI 表格名稱 用途 實體稅務居民自我證明表格 ...