雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HKU SPACE provides the largest offering of Continuing Education Fund (CEF) reimbursable courses in Hong Kong.

  2. Holders of the HKU SPACE MasterCard can enjoy a 10-month interest-free instalment period for courses with a tuition fee worth a minimum of HK$2,000. PT Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology

  3. HKU SPACE 是香港擁有最多持續進修基金 (CEF) 可發還款項課程之專上院校。.

  4. HKU SPACE provides the largest offering of more than 1,000 Continuing Education Fund (CEF) reimbursable courses in Hong Kong.

  5. 申請手續 - 持續進修基金課程 CEF - 香港大學專業進修學院. 申請人資格. 申請人須符合下列申請資格: 屬香港居民並擁有香港居留權、或香港入境權、或有權在香港逗留而不受任何逗留條件限制、或持單程證從中國大陸來港定居的人士; 在基金課程開課時及遞交相應的申領發還款項申請時,申請人年齡介乎18至70歲 (即年齡屆滿71歲之前) (2022年8月1 日或以後開課的課程,將不設年齡上限); 已成功修畢一個基金課程,並已出席不少於課程總上課時數的百分之七十或課程所規定的較高出席要求 (以較高者為準) ,及於本學院規定的課程評核取得總分50%以上合格成績或課程所規定的較高成績 (以較高者為準); 已成功修畢基金課程,並已繳付學費;及.

  6. HKU SPACE is a non-profit making University company limited by guarantee. HKU SPACE Community College. Lee Shiu Building, 28 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon. 3416 6338. CC Bot 9539 9849.

  7. HKU SPACE is a non-profit making University company limited by guarantee. HKU SPACE Community College. Lee Shiu Building, 28 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon. 3416 6338. CC Bot 9539 9849.

  8. Students who have obtained a Certificate of Achievement in all four modules are eligible for the "Certificate in Sustainable Communities" awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE. 評核與認證:

  9. Course Introduction. The programme aims at introducing students with different commonly used geophysical methods and in-situ testing and sampling techniques, including methods for monitoring water level, penetration tests, land and marine geophysical surveys and downhole logging.

  10. This programme is a 2.5-year part-time advanced diploma course, which will provide students with a solid foundation in the accounting field.