雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Jasmine[ 1 ][ 2 ] is a fictional character who appears in Walt Disney Pictures ' animated film Aladdin (1992). Voiced by Linda Larkin – with a singing voice provided by Lea Salonga – Jasmine is the spirited daughter of the Sultan, who has grown weary of her life of palace confinement.

    • Overview
    • Background
    • Appearances
    • Live-action appearances
    • Printed media
    • Video games
    • Musical
    • Disney Parks
    • Disney Princess

    “How dare you! All of you- standing around, deciding my future? I am not a prize to be won!”

    ―Princess Jasmine

    Princess Jasmine is the deuteragonist of Disney's 1992 animated feature film Aladdin. She is the independent and rebellious princess of Agrabah, a Middle Eastern kingdom ruled by her father, the Sultan. As the future Sultana, Jasmine has a strong sense of obligation to her kingdom. Because of outdated laws, however, she was forbidden to go beyond the palace walls and was forced to follow unjust practices. Refusing to be treated like a sheltered object, Jasmine desperately aspires to diverge from her societal confines, to live a life where she is free to make her own choices.

    Jasmine is loosely based on the character of Princess Badroulbadour from the Aladdin fairy tale featured in the One Thousand and One Nights storybook collection. She is also the sixth official member of the Disney Princess line-up, and the first to be of non-Caucasian descent.

    Jasmine is the daughter of the Sultan of Agrabah and his late wife, residing in the kingdom's lavished palace alongside her father and loyal pet tiger, Rajah, whom she found several years before the events of the film. She believed him to be a spiritual gift from her mother, who would tell her stories about the "star tiger" named Rajah. It is revealed in the book Tales from Agrabah that, whenever Jasmine would long for her mother, she would sit on her balcony and stargaze for a period of time.

    Because of her status as a princess, Jasmine was unfortunately forbidden to ever leave the palace walls, spending her life sheltered within the confines of the royal home. She often felt suffocated by the laws of her kingdom, which restricted her from socializing with her subjects and forced her to constantly meeting suitors to possibly arrange marriages. This situation ultimately prevented Jasmine from making any connections, as she had never had any true friends (aside from Rajah), and left her with the desire to see the world and experience life outside of being a sheltered princess, which would eventually result in meeting Aladdin.


    Jasmine is the daughter of the Sultan of Agrabah. By law, Jasmine must be married to a prince by her next birthday, which is in three more days. The Sultan is angered and frustrated when she rejects the various suitors that approach her - even going as far as to allow Rajah to attack them. She is unwilling to marry any of the princes her father suggests, as she proclaims that if she decides to marry, it will be for love rather than for wealth, power, and tradition. She also alludes that all her suitors so far have never shown any interest in an equal partnership or mutual respect and that the only thing they value is her beauty. Jasmine continues with the distress that she's never done anything on her own, had any friends (except Rajah) nor has even been outside the palace walls, believing she should be allowed the chance to experience life before being forced into marriage. Though the Sultan shows sympathy, he explains that he simply wants to ensure that Jasmine is provided for after he dies, though this is not enough to sway Jasmine's opinions. Fearing she will eventually be forced into a loveless marriage, Jasmine runs away from home while disguised as a commoner, doing so in the dead of night, despite an attempt by Rajah to stop her from sneaking out out of concern for her. The princess spends the rest of the night exploring the city, delighted to finally be able to experience her culture. Morning comes and she makes her way to the marketplace. Having never needed money before, a forgetful Jasmine inadvertently gets into trouble when she gives an apple to a hungry young boy without paying for it. Before the deranged merchant can punish her by amputating her hand, a street urchin named Aladdin quickly intervenes and saves her by claiming that Jasmine is his mentally-ill "sister". Jasmine plays along, pretending that she believes Aladdin's best friend, Abu the monkey to be the Sultan and that a camel is her doctor. Eventually, Aladdin leads Jasmine to his home, where they talk and continuously connect. Aladdin reveals his wish to escape the struggles of being a "street rat", while Jasmine wishes for freedom. They both come to realize they have a lot in common by feeling "trapped" in the life they were born into. Jasmine and Aladdin begin to develop romantic feelings for each other and lean to share a kiss, but the royal guards led by Razoul suddenly arrive. They try to escape but are surrounded, eventually leading to Aladdin's arrest. Jasmine reveals herself to the guards as the princess and demands that they release Aladdin. Razoul explains he cannot as his orders come from Jafar, who outranks her, and must be taken up with him to secure Aladdin's release. When Jasmine angrily confronts Jafar upon returning to the palace, the latter claims that Aladdin was charged with "kidnapping the princess". Jasmine explains that she wasn't kidnapped, but willingly ran away, only for Jafar to lie, declaring that Aladdin cannot be released on account that his sentence has already been carried out: death by beheading. Shaken, a saddened and furious Jasmine leaves the room and mourns the loss of her only friend, feeling responsible for his death. Upon noticing his daughter's depressed state, the Sultan comforts Jasmine and learns the story of Aladdin and her outing. Jafar is promptly chastised over the matter, but Jasmine still holds a grudge against the Vizier, swearing to "get rid of him" once she becomes queen. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Jasmine, Aladdin is alive and has been sent to the Cave of Wonders to retrieve a lamp by orders of a disguised Jafar. Aladdin ends up trapped within the cave during the mission, with the lamp, and subsequently, releases a Genie and becomes his master. After Aladdin's wish to become a prince is granted by the Genie, he parades through the streets of Agrabah under the guise of 'Prince Ali Ababwa'. She initially believes him to be just another arrogant suitor and shows no interest in him. After hearing 'Prince Ali' speak to the Sultan about his intentions to "win Jasmine," she becomes disgusted with Ali's suggestion that she is only a prize and refuses to meet with him, telling off Ali, her father, and Jafar before storming back to her room. That night, Ali visits Jasmine on her balcony and makes an unsuccessful attempt to woo her, prompting the frustrated Jasmine to sic Rajah to scare him away until she recognizes the prince as the boy she met in the marketplace. Ali denies this and continues his facade, disappointing the princess. As he continues to flirt with her, Jasmine pretends to be easy for him only to suddenly embarrass him and stating that he is no different from all her previous suitors and, in frustration, tells him to jump off the balcony. Ali then toys with the princess by scaring her by actually jumping off, only to reveal his sentient Magic Carpet that flatters her by kissing her hand. Jasmine finally begins to warm up to Ali upon seeing that he is actually interested in getting to know her, but immediately deduces that Ali is the boy from the marketplace when he asks her if she trusts him. Confident in her theory, Jasmine accepts Ali's proposal to go for a Magic Carpet ride - during which, the two fall in love. After the carpet takes the two to watch some fireworks in China, Jasmine tricks Ali into revealing the truth. She is, at first, angered with his lies, feeling demeaned, but Ali claims that he sometimes dresses up as a commoner to "escape the pressures of palace life," which she relates to, softening her attitude and prompting her to forgive him. Jasmine is then taken back to the palace, where she and Ali share their first kiss, cementing their romantic relationship. In her bedroom, the lovestruck Jasmine blissfully contemplates her growing affections for Ali, just when her father arrives and claims to have chosen a husband for her: Jafar. A disgusted Jasmine refuses, telling her father that she has chosen Ali. Just then, Ali arrives and accuses Jafar of attempted murder. Jafar scoffs at the accusations, and the Sultan suspiciously agrees. Prince Ali suddenly grabs Jafar's Snake Staff and destroys it. He then reveals that Jafar has been controlling the Sultan with it all along. With Jafar revealed to be a traitor, he is confronted by Jasmine, Ali, the Sultan, and the guards, though he manages to escape. The Sultan has been initially distraught at the situation, but he quickly perks up upon realizing that Jasmine has finally chosen her suitor in Ali. The Sultan gives the couple his blessings and informs them that they will be married as soon as possible, also revealing that Ali will then become the next Sultan once they are wed. Unknown to either the Sultan or Jasmine, however, Ali was disturbed by the news, feeling undeserving of such power, and Jasmine's love. The following day, the Sultan announces Ali and Jasmine's engagement in front of the palace. Jasmine is delighted to have her engagement announced, as she is happy to have found someone who truly loves her. She watches from behind the curtains as her father gives his speech and soon takes note of Ali's arrival by preparing him to make his appearance to the crowd. Just then, Jafar arrives and takes control of the kingdom, having stolen the lamp. Though her father cowers in fear, Jasmine refuses to obey Jafar's commands as Sultan, prompting him to use his next wish to become the most powerful sorcerer in the world. He then uses his new abilities to forcefully have the two former rulers bow to him. Once Ali rushes in to protect Jasmine, Jafar sadistically reveals the supposed Prince as a fraud. Aladdin struggles to explain the truth to a confused Jasmine, having made an attempt to do so earlier, but Jafar separates the two, sending Aladdin to freeze to death at the ends of the Earth, while Jasmine and the Sultan are left to suffer his wrath in a dystopian Agrabah. In the palace, Jasmine has been relegated to serve as Jafar's chained slave. She is forced to watch her father be tortured by Iago, but Jafar eventually adheres to her plea to spare him. While admiring Jasmine's beauty, Jafar proposes to have the princess become his queen. She hotly refuses, soaking the tyrant with a glass of wine and angering him to the point of near physical abuse. Instead, Jafar decides to use his final wish to have Jasmine fall desperately in love with him, much to her horror. The Genie tries to explain his limitations, but the impatient Jafar refuses to listen, confronting his slave. Meanwhile, Jasmine spots Aladdin in the distance, alive and plotting to steal back the lamp. To help him do so, Jasmine manipulates Jafar into believing she's fallen madly in love with him and seductively keeps his attention away from the lurking Aladdin. Iago notices this and tries to alert Jafar, but Abu stops him. When their scuffle briefly grabs Jafar's attention, Jasmine, out of desperation, turns him back to her with a kiss, which shocks and disgusts Aladdin, Abu, and even Iago. Once Jasmine and Jafar break the kiss, the latter spots Aladdin's reflection in Jasmine's tiara and immediately attacks. A battle follows, and as Aladdin and Jafar confront one another, Jasmine defends her lover and attacks Jafar, only to be quickly overpowered by him. She gets back on her feet and goes for the lamp, only to be imprisoned in a giant hourglass by Jafar. With sand slowly filling the glass, Jafar uses Jasmine's oncoming death to distract Aladdin, who simultaneously tries to retrieve the lamp and save the princess. Aladdin ultimately manages to defeat Jafar by tricking him into using his last wish to become a genie and imprisoning him within his own lamp, thus saving the kingdom and freeing Jasmine and the Sultan. With peace restored, Aladdin apologizes for his lies, though Jasmine ultimately forgives him as she knows why he did it, lamenting the fact that they cannot be together because of the law. The Genie, however, urges Aladdin to use his last wish to regain his princely status. Aladdin declines this, however, and instead uses the final wish to set Genie free. Believing Aladdin has proven his worth by saving the kingdom, despite not being a prince, the Sultan decides to abolish the law, declaring the princess is free to marry whomever she deems worthy. Jasmine immediately chooses Aladdin, showing that she truly loves him. After seeing the Genie off, a celebration is held in Jasmine and Aladdin's honor.

    The Return of Jafar

    In the first direct-to-video sequel, The Return of Jafar, Jasmine begins to question her choice in Aladdin, wondering if he was trustworthy enough after defending Iago, Jafar's former pet parrot who had terrorized her father. She quickly gets over these questions with Iago's help, when he reminds her of how much she loves Aladdin, and using reverse psychology and calling her bluff in the song "Forget About Love". Jasmine apologizes to Iago soon after when he suggests Aladdin and the Sultan go for a carpet ride together (which is, in fact, a trap), and her kindness almost prompts Iago into a confession, but Jafar scares him into silence before Iago can say anything further. She is later captured by Jafar, who magically impersonates her in an attempt to have Aladdin killed off by framing him for the Sultan's murder and having him executed by Razoul via beheading. It seems to be primarily her disappointment and anger at Iago for double crossing Aladdin, which finally prompts him to help free Genie, to her and her father's surprise and realization that he's still on their side and is fully counting on him. Jasmine accepts Iago as a friend after he rescued everyone and showed full trust by clearing him and explaining to Aladdin what he did for them, and after he helps defeat Jafar for good. At the end of the film, Jasmine goes with Aladdin to see the world.

    Aladdin: The Series

    In the series, Jasmine aids Aladdin, Abu, Carpet, Iago, and the Genie in their adventures, often proving herself to be a valuable aid in their adventures and not just a damsel in distress. She is shown to have excellent fighting skills, possibly learned by adventuring with Aladdin. She also has several episodes (including "Garden of Evil", "Forget Me Lots", "Do the Rat Thing", "The Secret of Dagger Rock", and "SandSwitch") in which her personality, skill, and intelligence are focused on. Of all the members of the group, Jasmine has made the most daring sacrifices often giving up her freedom to save her loved ones or even complete strangers. She once commented on this in the episode "Bad Mood Rising", telling Aladdin "I was raised a princess, Aladdin, and a princess knows, the needs of the people out-weighs her own." A good example would be in "The Ethereal" when she sacrificed herself to save a boy named Tanti, convincing said envoy into calling off her attack on Agrabah and reviving Jasmine. However, when scorned or threatened, Jasmine can become quite enraged at her offender, including Aladdin. The series also focuses on Aladdin and Jasmine's growing romantic relationship. The two are currently engaged and continue to let their relationship grow and develop as they become closer and their love grows stronger before they are ready for marriage. Aladdin and Jasmine are best friends throughout the series and often serve as each other's confidantes whenever the other is troubled or uncertain. However, they aren't without their own issues as the couple also deals with regular problems such as arguments between them. Jasmine often finds herself annoyed with Aladdin for his occasional ego or when Aladdin is mad at Jasmine for her stubbornness and at times refusal to listen, but they both accept each other's flaws and work through their problems together. Both Aladdin and Jasmine continue to grow significantly with each other by their side, but they often find their love tested and having to face a few obstacles that threaten to keep them apart. Jasmine often finds herself facing off against romantic rivals, from the former street rat turned sand witch Sadira, to the wicked sea sorceress Saleen, who both try to steal Aladdin away from her and attempt to break off their relationship. The attempts are foiled, however, as Aladdin and Jasmine have proven time and again that they only love each other and no one else. Aladdin and Jasmine's love is shown and proven to be incredibly strong on various occasions where they both are willing to do whatever it takes to protect each other whenever they see the other in times of danger. Examples include when Jasmine was turned into a Naga by Mirage in an attempt to destroy their love and tried to convince Jasmine, Aladdin only loved her for her beauty. Mirage's plot almost succeeded since due to their now different species, Jasmine could no longer be with Aladdin. However, Aladdin willingly gives up his humanity and becomes one himself just so he could be with Jasmine forever, proving Aladdin truly loves Jasmine for who she is and not just simply for her beauty. Jasmine appears in almost every episode of the TV series, with the exceptions of "Much Abu About Something", "Never Say Nefir", "Air Feather Friends", "Some Enchanted Genie", "Rain of Terror", "Opposites Detract", "Caught by the Tale" (albeit mentioned only), "Beast or Famine", "The Animal Kingdom", "The Sands of Fate", "The Citadel", "Snowman is an Island", "In the Heat of the Fright" (in actual person, albeit Mirage is disguised as her), "The Seven Faces of Genie", "A Clockwork Hero", "Sea No Evil", "Smells Like Trouble", "The Love Bug", "Genie Hunt", "The Lost Ones", "Shark Treatment", "The Lost City of the Sun", and "The Book of Khartoum" (albeit mentioned only).

    Once Upon a Time

    Jasmine appears in the fairy tale drama series' sixth season along with Aladdin and Jafar. She is played by Karen David and made her first appearance in the fourth episode of the sixth season. After her kingdom is taken over by her father's new adviser, Jafar, a sorcerer who delivers brutal justice and has taken control of her father by putting him in a childlike state, Jasmine learns of Aladdin, also known as the 'diamond in the rough' - capable of defeating Jafar. After catching him stealing goods, she hires him into helping her defeat Jafar by threatening to have him arrested if he chooses otherwise. She leads him to a desert where the Cave of Wonders is located, so they can find a jewel which she claims is capable of helping them triumph against Jafar. They converse while venturing through the landscape, and she berates Aladdin for his obsession with gold. He in return scolds her for only helping the city when she has put into danger herself, though she argues that she is at least trying now. The two reach the cave, only to find it is locked, but Aladdin is able to open them, having remembered a story from Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. The two walked in and Jasmine finds a diamond balanced on top of a sword. She attempts to pick it up, but Aladdin warns her that it may be booby-trapped and tries to remove it himself carefully. He is unable to do so however and triggers a trap, causing the pair to panic as the cave begins to shake. Jasmine is shielded by Aladdin who blasts a column which is about to fall on them, with his newly found magic. She reveals that to him that the jewel wasn't the diamond in the rough, but it is Aladdin himself, and he will be able to defeat Jafar. She gifts him with a golden scarab, to remind him of the belief she has in him before departing. Returning to the palace, she finds her hypnotized father playing with a toy castle. She is met by Jafar who traps her within a giant hourglass, and she is almost killed until Aladdin arrives, freeing her and the Sultan from Jafar's control and driving him off. The two later talk while in the market and Aladdin offers her to journey with him, so they can fight Jafar together and see the world, though she decides against it, choosing to help her kingdom first, and the two-part ways. As the capital is still under threat by Jafar despite the Sultan regaining power, Jasmine walks in on her father attempting to sway several princes with the Crown Jewel of Agrabah, a dowry gift he promises to whoever marries his daughter. When she bluntly declares that there will be no engagement, the Sultan sympathizes with her wish to marry for love, however, he tries to persuade her to do her duty because they need a prince with an army to protect their land from Jafar. Jasmine insists what they need is a hero such as Aladdin, to which Jafar strolls in, implying that Aladdin has already been broken from too many battles and no prince can ever match up to him. Jasmine and her father are shaken by Jafar's display of power when he morphs one of the princes into a staff, and are left with fewer choices after he demands Jasmine's hand in marriage by sundown, or he'll destroy Agrabah forever. Later, at the local market, Jasmine sees a hooded thief whom she believes is Aladdin and follows along as "he" is pursued by a vendor for stealing. Instead, she discovers the thief is a girl, Ariel, whose true form reverts to that of a mermaid after the vendor takes the girl's necklace. Upset at hearing the man call Ariel a monster, Jasmine flicks a coin at him to make up for the stolen item before coldly telling him to get out her sight. She learns that Ariel is visiting Agrabah to look for the man she loves, Prince Eric, and decides to help her find him, so she herself can possibly gain help from Eric's army to defeat Jafar. As the women ride on the magic carpet in search of Eric, Ariel spots her prince's caravan flag through a spyglass. Ariel is worried Eric will reject her since they only met once at a ball, but Jasmine believes the connection she and Eric have is true love and tells her not to pass up on the opportunity, or she may regret it. Despite Ariel's happy reunion with Eric, the man reveals himself to be Jafar in disguise and presses Jasmine again to accept his offer before sundown. As time runs out, Ariel shows Jasmine a powder she stole from Jafar, which is the same kind the sorcerer earlier to turn a prince into a staff, and encourages her to be brave and use it on Jafar. However, Jafar teleports Ariel back to the sea, leaving Jasmine to face him alone. Jasmine grudgingly agrees to marry him to save Agrabah and gives him the ring, but Jafar admits he never intended to marry her and rule Agrabah (for he is despised), and instead, he wanted the ring to break the protection it holds over Agrabah. She watches, powerless, as Jafar takes Agrabah away, not knowing he has trapped it inside the ring. Left with no other way to restore Agrabah, Jasmine somehow learns Aladdin is also missing, and she uses unknown means to travel to the Land of Untold Stories to find him. However, Mr. Hyde forces Jasmine and the other residents to Storybrooke so their stories can play out. Deciding to find a job, Jasmine ends up takes a place in Storybrooke Elementary School, becoming the new teaching aide for Snow White. She runs into her while searching for the classroom, and she introduces herself as Shirin, careful to keep her identity a secret. After Snow introduced herself. Jasmine immediately recognizes her by her reputation. When Snow finds that her class' exam grades are lower than expected, Jasmine advises changing her teaching methods, as she is no longer the same person who taught them, having been cursed. She explains her point through telling Snow a story of her history, about a princess who never embraced the hero she could become - though is still careful to make sure that she keeps her doesn't expose herself. That evening, as the day is over, Snow gives Jasmine an apple and asks whether the Princess in her land had fixed things, to which Jasmine replies she didn't. After leaving, she meets with the Oracle who is aware of her identity, and the two vow to find Aladdin together. In the forest Jasmine encounters the Oracle who has been poisoned by the Evil Queen. She is spotted by Emma and flees, though she is quickly caught and arrested. While under interrogation, she pleads innocence but refuses to tell her identity in fear of Hyde learning and using it against her, but Emma assures her by revealing that he is dead, prompting Jasmine to divulge who she is and her quest to find Aladdin. She is taken to the Blanchard Loft, where Emma's friends and family try without success to locate Aladdin. While there, she learns, from a disguised Evil Queen, Emma's fate as the Savior, and all Saviors to an extension: death. This leads her to believe that Aladdin is dead. Despairing at the fact that she brought Aladdin to this fate, she is comforted by Henry, who reveals he also did the same with his mother by bringing her to break the curse. Regina creates a potion capable of locating him, and they are brought to a crypt. They find a skeleton which Jasmine identifies as Aladdin after seeing it with the golden scarab she gifted him, and leaves in despair. Later while outside, she is met by Aladdin who reveals himself to be alive, and the two embrace in a hug. She tells him of Agrabah's state and how they need a Savior, leading him to confesses he no longer is one. While in Granny's Diner, Jasmine tries to get Aladdin to help save Agrabah, though he was unwilling to listen, now that he is no longer the Savior. However, after talking with Emma, he reconsiders and offers his help to Jasmine, who reveals that they are unable to return as Agrabah disappeared. The two are later approached by Belle and Zelena, who try to recruit Aladdin into stealing a wand from Mr. Gold's pawnshop. Insistent on finding Agrabah, she tells him not to involve himself, though Zelena is quick to point out to Jasmine that Aladdin brought the Shears of Destiny to Storybrooke, leading to the Dark One obtaining them and refers to Aladdin as her boyfriend, much to the pair's embarrassment. Later that night, Aladdin informs Jasmine that he was able to obtain the Genie's lamp while breaking into the pawnshop, though he notifies her the Genie himself isn't inside, having been freed, but is still hopeful that whatever is inside will be enough to help them. During a discussion on the class' improved grades, Snow notices Jasmine's distressed behavior. She confesses to Snow that she has found a Genie Lamp, but is uncertain on what the price will cost to find Agrabah. Snow, in turn, encourages her to be the hero she was meant to be. Later in the Blanchard Loft, Jasmine rubs the Lamp, only to find a pair of cuffs release themselves rather than the Genie (who was freed). Aladdin decides to become the new Genie of the Lamp, and despite Jasmine's protests, she watches as he places the cuffs on his wrists, and turns himself into the new Genie. At night while in Granny's Diner, the Evil Queen holds Jasmine hostage and takes control of the lamp in her possession. Her plea for help attracts Emma, David, and Hook. Tied up and bound in a chair, Jasmine looks on helplessly as the Queen threatens Emma, and when she attempts to attack, the Queen magically chokes Jasmine, causing Emma to yield lest Jasmine be killed. After the Queen uses Aladdin to grant Emma's wish of having never been the Savior, Jasmine stops the arguing between David and Hook. Regina decides to face her evil half with a plan to get Emma back, but David, wanting to stop the Queen from doing any more damage, grows impatient waiting and asks Jasmine and Hook to meet him at the sheriff's station in an hour to work out a way to retrieve the lamp. When David doesn't show up, they rush to the mayor's office with Henry. Jasmine goes to Aladdin and reclaims the lamp, while Hook forces the Queen to stop strangulating David. Following the Queen's departure, Jasmine and Aladdin regroup with the heroes at the loft. Jasmine advises that David can use a wish to break his and Snow's sleeping curse, but David declines out of fear of the wish backfiring as his first one did and offers the lamp to her instead, believing she will be much wiser with it. Jasmine sympathizes with his worries and understands the risks if she uses a wish, however, she is determined to find Agrabah no matter what the cost is. As the lamp's new owner, she uses her first wish to take her and Aladdin to Agrabah. With Jasmine's first wish granted, she and Aladdin are taken to the Enchanted Forest, with the Crown Jewel of Agrabah containing Agrabah appearing in Jasmine's pocket, although neither notices this. After days of searching for Agrabah, Aladdin suspects the wish didn't work and suggests giving up, so she can make a new home in Storybrooke. Jasmine is drawn in when Aladdin implies they can be together too, but she soon rebuffs him and walks off. Aladdin frustratedly asks her how often she is almost going to kiss him and then questions what she is so afraid of, which Jasmine denies and instead accuses him of having an inflated ego. When Aladdin tries to convince her otherwise, Jasmine pulls away, causing the ring to drop from her pocket. Recognizing it as the crown jewel of Agrabah, Jasmine theorizes that the wish gave her the ring to remind her of how she failed her people. She spots a rowboat and decides to get rid of the lamp. With Aladdin rowing out to sea, Jasmine urges him to go a little further before she wishes him free and dumps the lamp so it can't hurt anyone ever again. However, a Kraken attacks, forcing them to fend it off with the oars. Hook, surfacing from the Nautilus, allows them to come aboard, though he is upset that they chased off the Kraken whose blood he needed for a portal home. When Hook asks who took Agrabah from them, Jasmine admits it was Jafar and that she is too scared to face him again after he took everything from her. With Captain Nemo's harpoon, which can find those with vengeful hearts, Hook proposes using it to track down Jafar to locate Agrabah and have the sorcerer take him back to Storybrooke. Later, Jasmine relates to Hook's struggle over having the person he loves not knowing how he truly feels by confessing that she feels she doesn't deserve Aladdin's love given her failure to protect Agrabah. When the Nautilus begins flooding with water, Jasmine uses a wish to take all of them to a nearby Hangman's Island, where she, Aladdin, and Hook part ways from Nemo's crew before finding Ariel, who possesses the lamp housing Jafar. Confident that she can defeat Jafar with three heroes by her side, Jasmine summons Jafar, but this allows the sorcerer to break his genie curse. After Jafar knocks out Aladdin, Ariel, and Hook, Jasmine learns from him about Agrabah's whereabouts and fights back by hurling powder on him, which turns the sorcerer into a staff. Rather than use her last wish to either restore Agrabah or free Aladdin, she kisses Aladdin to evoke the power of true love, causing Agrabah's revival and the undoing of Aladdin's genie curse. Later, when Emma, the Savior, loses her belief in magic, Agrabah is destroyed. Jasmine, Aladdin, and some other people of Agrabah are able to escape in time through one of the Mad Hatter's hats and are reunited with Regina, Snow White, David, Hook, and Zelena. As the Enchanted Forest begins collapsing because of Emma's fading belief and the machinations of the malevolent Black Fairy, Regina teleports everyone out of the hat and to her palace, where she works on finding a way back to Storybrooke. After David and Hook leave to seek out a magic bean, Snow suddenly senses that her husband is in danger and Jasmine offers her magic carpet to track him down. The two princesses find the fallen Beanstalk and move the debris to see who is trapped underneath, however, much to Snow's disappointment, it is Hook and not David. Hook, still groggy from having fallen off the beanstalk, humorously greets Snow by calling her "mummy". Jasmine reacts with confusion to this, to which a sheepish Snow alludes to Hook now being her son-in-law since he married Emma. Hook shows them the bean and offers to help search for David, but Snow directs him to get the bean back to Regina so that they can help Emma. As such, Jasmine and Hook fly back to the palace on the magic carpet, unfortunately, by this time, the bean's magic is gone. Snow and David return, revealing that the depletion of the Enchanted Forest will soon reach the palace as well, so everyone, including Jasmine, rushes to the center of the palace while Regina's reformed evil half holds the storm off with her magic to buy them enough time for Regina to rejuvenate the bean. Everyone prepares to be wiped out of existence as Regina's magic fails, but suddenly, everything goes still, in part to Emma regaining a small bit of her belief, which leaves the survivors on a small chunk of the palace surrounded by nothingness. When the Black Fairy is killed by her son Mr. Gold, the Dark Curse ends, causing those trapped on the remnants of Regina's palace to be transported back to their homes. Jasmine and Aladdin are returned to Agrabah. Sometime after the forces of good win the final battle, the couple stand together on a balcony as they smile and look out towards their kingdom. Years later, when Regina casts a lighter version of the Dark Curse and combines all the magical realms including Agrabah, Jasmine and Aladdin presumably now reside in the United Realms.

    Aladdin (2019)

    Jasmine appears in the 2019 live-action adaptation, portrayed by Naomi Scott. This version of Jasmine is featured with a slight change of character: this incarnation is motivated to become a good ruler for Agrabah after her father, which doesn't sit well in her male-driven society. Jasmine also has a female friend in the handmaiden Dalia, in whom Jasmine regularly confides. In this iteration, Jasmine is forbidden to leave the palace by orders of her overprotective father but does so regularly by posing as Dalia. The reason for her confinement is the mysterious murder of her mother, which left the Sultan fearing for their daughter's life. During one of her outings, she meets Aladdin, sparking their eventual romance. Jasmine is also given a solo, titled "Speechless", which focuses on her refusal to remain silent or be controlled by others. When Genie tells Aladdin that he cannot let someone instantly fall in love with another, Aladdin tells him to turn him into a prince so that he can get Jasmine's attention, especially during the musical number "Prince Ali". Aladdin then attempts to get her attention during a party but fails to. Aladdin finally gets her attention when he tells her to trust him to ride on Carpet, which takes him and Jasmine across the world around the couple during the musical number "A Whole New World". In that scene, the moment where Jasmine takes off Aladdin's turban to find out that "Prince Ali" is actually Aladdin in the marketplace was omitted. Constantly, Aladdin feels upset about himself that he should stop pretending to be a prince from another country to tell Jasmine the truth. When Prince Ali is later revealed to be Aladdin himself, Jafar sends almost everyone in the palace to the dungeon while he sends Aladdin, Abu, and Carpet to a frozen wasteland, except for Jasmine, Dalia, and the Sultan who remain in the palace. Meanwhile, in the palace, a priest tells Jasmine to know if she wants Jafar to be her husband by marrying him in which she refuses to and takes the lamp to escape the forced marriage, causing Jafar to be enraged; Aladdin notices this as Jasmine escapes with Aladdin, Abu, and Carpet. Enraged, Jafar transforms Iago into the size of a roc to get the lamp back to his master while the priest retreats, to which Iago shrinks back to his normal self after the Sultan tackles him to stop his plan from destroying the kingdom. Aladdin and Jasmine also witness Jafar's rage bringing a powerful storm to destroy Agrabah in which, during the battle, Jasmine and the remaining survivors in the palace are captured while the Jafar uses his final wish to become a powerful genie. Soon after, Jafar and Iago are both defeated due to the Genie's warning that a genie without an owner gets trapped back inside its lamp. Aladdin apologizes for lying to Jasmine. Meanwhile, after Aladdin used his final wish to the Genie to set him free, he and Jasmine marry together as she finally finds a prince to marry (this was not in the animated version as in the original, they both sing a reprise of "A Whole New World" which was omitted in the remake). Jasmine is later seen dancing with everyone in the palace during a "Friend Like Me" reprise.

    Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

    Jasmine, joined by Aladdin and several of her fellow Disney Princesses in Cinderella, Tiana, Moana, and Rapunzel, along with Anna and Elsa, rode on the Disney Wish float captained by Minnie with her crew of Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Pluto, Chip 'n' Dale in the 2021 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, with special guest Jordan Fisher on board to sing "Together We Set Sail" when the float reached Herald Square on 34th Street while backed up by additional Cast Members serving as their backup dancers with several more serving as their supervisors/adjutants assigned to keep the Theme Park Characters safe on their special assignment outside the Disney Parks and Resorts and Disney Cruise Line fleet. The supporting Cast Members danced and performed in front of the float during the song. During the procession from the starting line on Central Park West, the song played on the float's loudspeakers as Jasmine and her fellow Disney characters waved to the crowd, adding that little bit of Disney magic to the parade to put smiles on all the parade guests as the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its mutations were still a threat at the time. Jasmine returned to ride on the float again for the 2022 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Aladdin joined her like last year, along with Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, Pluto, Rapunzel, Flynn, Tiana, Moana, and Cinderella, but joining them this year were Mulan, Raya, Mirabel Madrigal, Cinderella and Tiana's husbands, Prince Charming and Prince Naveen, and Marvel superheroes Spider-Man and Black Panther. Near the end of the parade route, Jasmine dismounted from the float with Aladdin, the other Princesses with their husbands, Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, and Moana, in preparation for their performance in Herald's Square based on one of their shows from the Disney Wish during its trips, dubbed "Seas The Adventure", which included snippets from Jasmine's trademark song "A Whole New World" and "When You Wish Upon a Star". Once the performance was completed and a final flourish of confetti and streamers was released, leaving smiles on the faces of all the Guests attending the parade, Jasmine and the other characters continued to the end of the parade route, where once the float was disassembled and prepped for being taken back to the warehouse in New Jersey for storage, Jasmine and the other characters, along with all of their supporting Cast Members, prepared to head home to Disneyland in Anaheim and Walt Disney World in Lake Buena Vista to resume their duties there for Disney's holiday festivities and parades until Macy's invites them back for another parade to add that spark of Disney Magic to Macy's long-time Thanksgiving tradition, which may be possible should Macy's bring the float back for a third consecutive year and Disney's executives agree to have the characters return to Manhattan to participate in the parade again in 2023. Disney CEO Bob Iger and Macy's agreed to have the "Magic Meets The Sea" float return for the 2023 parade, and Jasmine, with Aladdin joining her again, was among the returning characters riding on the float this year. The float was also repainted to represent the newest ship to join the Disney Cruise Line fleet in 2024, the sister ship to the Disney Wish, the Disney Treasure. The music that played over the float's loudspeakers in the previous year's parade, "Let's Set Sail", was played again and even performed by Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, Pluto, and their backup performers as Mirabel, Peter Pan, Rapunzel, Anna, Elsa, Aladdin, Jasmine, Tiana, Spider-Man, and Black Panther sung along from on the float. Of course, the float reached Herald Square just as the NBC broadcast went to a commercial break, giving the characters and their support crew time to set up and wave to the gathered crowd before being properly introduced by Al Roker and his co-hosts when they came back from commercials to put on the performance. The float proceeded down the parade route ahead of Ronald McDonald, the NYPD Marching Band, and the balloon of Chase from PAW Patrol. Disney and Macy's are already in talks about the float returning for the 2024 parade as Macy's began planning for next year's parade as soon as this year's parade was over. Due to Jasmine having been on the float for the past three years it appeared since debuting in 2021, it is highly probable that CEO Bob Iger will select her to be on the float again with Aladdin next year when choosing which characters will be representing Disney Cruise Line and The Walt Disney Company on the float in their first year following Disney 100 Years of Wonder.

    Tales from Agrabah

    The chapter book Tales of Agrabah chronicles aspects of Jasmine's childhood and her life before meeting Aladdin. The first chapter, A Gift from the Stars, shows how Jasmine came to meet and eventually adopt Rajah. The chapter also delves into Jasmine's relationship with her deceased mother. The second chapter, It's a Small World After All, shows that Jasmine has held the desire to see the world since childhood. To grant her wish in honor of her birthday, the Sultan creates a replica of the marketplace within the confines of the palace, which is enough to satisfy an appreciative Jasmine. In the fifth chapter, That Magical Feeling, the law that forces Jasmine to marry by a certain age comes into effect for the first time, as the princess preps to meet her first potential suitor. The final chapter, A Whole New World, is a direct retelling of how Jasmine and Aladdin first met after the former escaped the confines of the palace for the first time.

    Kilala Princess

    While on their way back from their trip, Jasmine and Aladdin's trip is cut short by the sudden arrivals of Kilala, Sylphy, and Rei. Unable to carry five people at the same time, they are forced to walk back to Agrabah. Upon arriving in the city, the guards of Agrabah are informed to arrest Aladdin and the trio for kidnapping the princess. The girls make their escape while the boys hold off the guards. While helping Sylphy, Jasmine accidentally falls off the roof and gets captured by the trio's enemy, Valdou. After a long struggle for Aladdin's magic lamp, Kilala uses it to wish for knowledge of Jasmine's location. They find the princess unharmed. They take her back to the palace, and Jasmine tells her father, the Sultan, about her new friends. The Sultan gives Kilala a giant diamond as a token of friendship, but she later gives it back. Jasmine then trades it with a flower that she received from Aladdin as her token of friendship. It later turns into an amethyst. Jasmine is last seen witnessing Kilala receive her magic gem: an emerald.


    The game follows the plot of the movie. Jasmine appears in cut scenes and must be rescued from Jafar in the final level. At the end of the game, she and Aladdin fly by on the magic carpet. They kiss as the credits scroll.

    Disney's Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge

    In this game, Jafar's sister Nasira comes to Agrabah to avenge her brother by eliminating Aladdin and friends. She takes control over the guards and orders them to capture Jasmine and the Sultan. After Nasira was defeated by Aladdin, Jasmine and her father are freed.

    Kingdom Hearts series

    Jasmine appears in the Kingdom Hearts video games and is also one of the Princesses of Heart. This means she has a pure heart of light, and when her heart is gathered and placed alongside the other seven Princesses of Heart, the gateway to the legendary Kingdom Hearts is opened. The evil sorceress Maleficent and a team of Disney Villains team up to do just that. Among them is Jafar, and through the power of darkness given to him by Maleficent, he's able to dominate Agrabah and begins a hunt for Jasmine. She manages to elude him by hiding in Agrabah's streets until found by Sora, Donald, and Goofy, who cover her escape while they confront Jafar, who simply summons several Heartless to deal with them while he goes after Jasmine. By the time Sora returns to Agrabah with Aladdin, Jafar has found her and is confronted by them outside the palace gates. Aladdin attempts to save her by using Genie and his second wish to carry her to safety, but Iago steals the lamp and gives it to Jafar, making him Genie's new master, and causing Jasmine to fall back down into a disguised Pot Spider Heartless. Jafar then sics the Pot Centipede on Aladdin and Sora to cover his escape, where Jasmine can be heard calling for help from one of the various Pot Spiders attacking them or making up the Pot Centipede's body, but once the Pot Centipede is slain, Jasmine is nowhere to be found, having been taken by Jafar as he seeks out Agrabah's Keyhole, located deep within the Cave of Wonders. Jafar faces Aladdin and Sora first with his magic and Genie, then after wishing for his genie powers, in his genie form, but is defeated and imprisoned in his lamp. While Aladdin and Sora have their final showdown with Jafar, Jasmine, waiting for their return as she watched from above, is captured and taken to Hollow Bastion by Maleficent's underling Riku. Aladdin is prevented from coming with Sora to find her due to needing to protect the world order and not meddle in the affairs of other worlds. Sora and friends travel to Hollow Bastion, and after the villains are defeated and the keyhole is closed, Jasmine is freed and remains in the dark castle alongside the other princesses to protect the realm with their combined power. At the end, when Sora finally defeats the primary threat, Jasmine and the other princesses return home and are last seen kissing Aladdin in his house. In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Jasmine is kidnapped by Jafar, who wishes to marry the princess to seize control of the throne, but is thwarted upon Sora's arrival. Jasmine returns in Kingdom Hearts II where she tells Sora, Donald, and Goofy of her worry. Aladdin has been retreating into the city streets and seems to be tumbling into a depression since Genie and Carpet left Agrabah for some time, though he claims nothing's wrong. Not only that, Iago and Jafar return, though the parrot merely wishes to reform, whilst Jafar seeks revenge. In the end, due to Iago's efforts, Jafar is defeated and peace is restored. Jasmine and the others then happily welcome him into the palace. Jasmine also plays minor roles in Kingdom Hearts coded as well as Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.

    Jasmine appears in the musical adaptation of the film, playing a role identical to that of the original film. Stage actress Courtney Reed originated the role of Jasmine in the pre-Broadway show in Toronto and carried over the role once the show was taken to the Broadway stage.

    Though her role is similar to that of the film, there are a few significant differences to Jasmine's character. For instance, along with "A Whole New World", Jasmine performs several additional musical numbers, including "These Palace Walls", "A Million Miles Away" (another duet with Aladdin), and "Babkak, Omar, Aladdin, Kassim".

    Additionally, during the climax, Jafar's first wish was notably different and related to Jasmine. As opposed to wishing he was the ruler of Agrabah, Jafar's first wish was to make Jasmine his prisoner. However, in the movie, his final wish was initially to make Jasmine fall in love with him instead, using his newfound sorcery to transform Jasmine's blue bedlah outfit into a red slave-girl outfit first.

    Aside from these factors, generally, Jasmine's role in the stage musical remains pretty much the same.

    Since 1992, Jasmine has appeared at the Disney theme parks around the world as a meet-and-greet character alongside Aladdin and occasionally Genie, Jafar, and Abu.

    From 1992 to 2016, she was typically dressed in her blue outfit from the movie, with extravagant additions, such as gold and jewels. During 2016's Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party, Jasmine's current costume design was unveiled, which features more articles of clothing and smaller hair.


    Jasmine's late 2012 redesign had multiple changes. Her hair is much more curled with a very noticeable stray strand sticking out and is now in a ponytail instead of being sectioned into two like before. Her earrings are now golden bangles instead of the previous solid, triangular ones that covered her ears. Other jewelry includes two sapphire brooches - one on her chest and the other over her navel. Jasmine's bedlah outfit is now teal instead of light blue and has received noticeable pale aquamarine organza shoulders for the bandeau-style off-shoulder top she wears, while the billowed pants now have a matching overskirt, with designs of fleur-de-lys covering much of them, making the entire outfit resemble a dress. In the early redesigns, her top is one-shouldered instead of her redesigned top with organza shoulders. Her 2021 'Ultimate Princess Celebration' redesign reverted back largely to her pre-2012 appearance.

    Palace Pets

    Jasmine's Palace Pets are Sultan, Lapis, Taj, Nyle, Stripes, Nola, and Sandstorm.

  2. 茉莉(Jasmine),迪士尼动画电影《阿拉丁》中的女主角。原型来源于阿拉伯民间故事集《一千零一夜》中的《阿拉丁神灯》。苏丹王的女儿。聪明,有主见,勇敢的美丽公主。

  3. 2020年2月19日 · Life outside of the castle proved to be an adventure for Jasmine. Join along and relive some of Princess Jasmine's best moments!A Little Disney History: From...

    • 5 分鐘
    • 7.2M
    • Disney Princess
  4. Jasmine is a curvaceous young woman with medium skin and long, lustrous black hair, big brown eyes, and a distinct hourglass figure. Her hairstyle resembles a cobra and is worn in a ponytail in two sections with two matching light blue bands.

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  6. aladdin-wiki.fandom.com › wiki › JasmineJasmine - Aladdin Wiki

    Princess Jasmine is the deuteragonist of Disney's 1992 animated feature film, Aladdin. She is an independent, rebellious young princess from Agrabah, a Middle Eastern kingdom ruled by her father, the Sultan. As the future sultana, Jasmine has a strong sense

  7. Princess Jasmine is the deuteragonist of the Disney classic Aladdin and related media. She is the princess of Agrabah and the wife of Aladdin. Jasmine is a young Arabian girl and princess of...

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