雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Explore Japan. Travel and wonder. scroll. Destinations. From Hokkaido to Okinawa, Japan has many attractive places to visit. All of these places have their own unique features with different sceneries and events in each season. In this page, we will introduce the major regions of Japan and its highlights, from north to south.

  2. 日本旅行からのお知らせ. 国内. 7/26 (金)出発限定! ハローキティと行く伊東温泉1泊2日の旅 発売中! 国内. 日旅まつり開催中! 飛行機+宿泊パックで使える最大60,000円割引クーポン配布! 国内. 佐賀県へご旅行がお得に予約できる! さが旅キャンペーン! 【6/28まで】 › もっと見る. 海外. 日旅まつり開催中! 海外旅行に使える最大25,000円割引クーポン配布! TBSテレビ 日曜劇場「VIVANT」撮影に同行した通訳ガイドがご案内 モンゴルのロケ地を巡るオフィシャルツアー発売中! 人気の旅行先 (新幹線+宿泊) 大阪. 東京. 名古屋. 金沢. 福岡. 韓国.

  3. 經典卡通人物盡在日本環球影城,必定成為一家大小共渡歡樂時光的景點! 掌握賞櫻賞花情報,助你安排行程,欣賞春季限定美景! 要開心分享旅遊時光,時刻與親友保持聯繫,Wifi不能決不能少,立即網上租借或購買設備。 一同投入花花世界,踏上絕美景致! 出發前做好準備,輕鬆下載旅圑集合資料,了解行程安排及當地資訊! 大阪HARUKA單程車票 2023年3月18日起停靠大阪站! 從關西機場直達天王寺、大阪、新大阪、京都. 去旅行懶到盡,參加一天遊,行程安排好晒唔駛自己煩. 精心策劃,全包景點、膳食及入場門票,絕無額外自費項目。 舒適暢遊體驗異國迷人旅程。

  4. 漫遊日本 - 日本國家旅遊局 (官方網頁) 跨越日本主要城市:北陸新幹線延長段將於2024年開通. 不只是櫻花:2024年日本名花鑑賞. 日本春天:2024年櫻花開花預報. 日本賞櫻期與地點. 防疫觀光: 旅日新常態. 安心探索與暢遊. 日本體驗之旅. 難忘的經驗, 屏息的時刻. 重要須知. Japan Safe Travel Information. Visit Japan Web. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Measures by the Government. 最新資訊. 查看全部. 【大阪】相撲表演劇場「THE SUMO HALL 日樂座 OSAKA」將於5月30日開幕. May 24, 2024. 【全國】花菖蒲特集. May 24, 2024.

  5. Nippon Travel Agency (hereafter NTA) has built business know-hows as a leader of Japan’s travel industry. We have hosted over 200,000 inbound travelers a year. With customer satisfaction as our top priority, we are committed to provide the best quality products through our network of 250 branch offices both in Japan and overseas.

  6. Nippon Travel Agency was founded in 1905 and was the first agency to start travel operations in Japan. Today, we have 5,061 staff members (the whole NTA group) with over 250 branch offices both in Japan and overseas, providing travel services of the highest standard.

  7. Featured Products and Services. Japan Rail Pass. Day Tours. Study Abroad in Japan. Local Guide Tours. Scarecrow Village. WIFI Service.

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