雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Wireless PEL allows our users to be connected to our Care-on-Call Centre for 24x7 support. 4G mobile network offers stable and fast connection. With Wireless PEL, you can live more independently with less worries. Call 2952 7250 Inquiry by Form WhatsApp.

  2. 2024年1月11日 · 年滿65歲,或者介乎60至64歲且經公共醫療機構證實傷殘程度超過50%或所患病症可能構成生命威脅,因而需要他人即時援助(如傷殘程度達到100%或需要經常接受護理,同時領取 傷殘津貼 ,則不需要提供醫生證明書). 符合社署普通 長者生活津貼 (長生津 ...

  3. 協會提供24x7全面支援服務「一線通平安鐘™」,以緊急支援、綜合關顧、日夜守護、健康管理、生活輔助為主要的服務範疇。. 務求讓每位用戶都能居家安老。.

  4. 緊急召援系統(俗稱「平安鐘」)對獨居銀髮族來說,是非常重要的。 當長者遇上緊急情況,只要按動平安鐘,就會助用戶打出求救電話。 電話會接駁至24小時運作的支援中心,當支援中心在確定求助者的身份後,便會馬上採取行動,使求助者能迅速得到適當的援助,隨時救回一命。 市面上有不同機構會提供平安鐘服務,在選擇服務以至使用平安鐘時,有甚麼要注意? 選擇服務考慮事項. 1. 平安鐘類型. 平安鐘主要可分為室內用和室外用2大類,當中再分為幾種不同類型,包括: a. 室內用、需接駁固網服務: 除了主機外,有些服務供應商甚至會提供防水遙控器,方便長者帶着在家中四處走動,洗澡時置於浴室亦「冇有怕」。 b. 室外用(非手機型)

  5. Emergency alarm system (EAS) service (commonly known as ‘ping on bell’) is very important to senior citizens who live alone. When elderly people encounter an emergency, they can simply press a button and a phone call for help will be placed.

  6. The Personal Emergency Link (PE Link) was established by Senior Citizen Home Safe Association to launch a 24-hour personal emergency link to help the needy in Hong Kong .

  7. 突破界限,覆蓋範圍更廣,無需固網電話線,配合專業防水遙控掣,連繫一線通平安鐘24 x 7熱線中心,令長者家居更安全。. 莫何敏儀女士 (莫文蔚媽媽)誠意推薦。.

  8. SCHSA provides free Personal Emergency Link Service (平安鐘), Mobile Link Service (隨身寶) and Caring Call Service (耆安鈴長者熱線) to the needy citizens. In the Caring Call Service, volunteers chat regularly with the elderly and get updates of their health and home safety conditions.

  9. 2009年1月28日 · Through a Personal Emergency Link system, the Senior Citizen Home Safety Association has rendered 24-hour care to more than 111,000 service users in Hong Kong who are mostly vulnerable seniors and chronic invalids living alone or living with their elderly spouses/caregivers only.

  10. In case of emergency, the “Personal Emergency Link Service” (PE Link) can offer help to you. Tailored PE Link service for hearing impaired individuals is now available for application.