雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年5月23日 · 【商業電郵|職場英語】「Please find attached」已經Out?叫對方睇附件可以點表達?教你12句實用電郵例句 Learning Insights 【商業電郵|職場英語】在職場上,撰寫電子郵件(Email)是打工仔的必備技能之一。 一封簡潔清晰的電郵不但可以提升工作效率,亦能展現你的專業形象。

  2. 2023年10月3日 · 15 Email Templates to Help You Say "Please Find Attached". Having a set of ready-to-use templates can be a real time-saver when you're sending emails that include attachments. These templates help you get straight to the point, ensuring that your recipient knows to look for the attached document. They also add a layer of professionalism to your ...

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