雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年10月25日 · J-Pop Music Karaoke FEMM Rainy Days. cold.must-reading.info. Rain has the uncanny ability to make people so emotional they create some of the most memorable songs in the history of J-pop music. Here’s our list of Top 5 rainy J-pop songs that'll make you see the silver lining on cloudy days. 5.

  2. 2022年5月30日 · The rainy season is a period of transition from spring to summer in Japan that typically lasts from early June to mid-July for most of the country. The Japanese word for rainy season is tsuyu, literally “plum rain” (梅雨), as it coincides with the season of plums

  3. 2017年1月26日 · 入住日本旅馆时,应该做的和不能做的几件事. 从江户时代传承至今的日本旅馆,为了保持古朴而传统的氛围,早已形成了一些约定俗成的规矩和礼节。. AAJ为大家总结了一些在日本入住旅馆,民宿时的小常识,便于大家活学活用,免生尴尬。. 我们按日文的发音 ...

  4. 2018年6月5日 · Here are ten ways to enjoy a rainy day in the Land of the Rising Sun—even when there's no sun around! 1. Spas & Hot Springs. https://pixta.jp/ There’s nothing better than a relaxing soak while the sky is rumbling outside. No matter where you are in Japan, there's bound to be an onsen hot spring or sento bathhouse.

  5. 2014年9月15日 · It rains a lot in Japan, and people love to talk about the weather—evidenced by the fact that the Japanese language has over 50 nouns for rain. At a 2014 exhibition in Paris, Japanese design troupe Nendo chose just 20 of these words and artistically captured each in a water bottle, using clear acrylic bottles to create delicate ...

  6. 日本列車 日本初體驗. pixta.jp. 除了日本四國的麵包超人列車「アンパンマン列車」、行駛於一之關站到氣仙沼站,與親子共樂的皮卡丘列車「POKÉMON with YOU 列車」、富山的哆啦 A 夢路面電車「ドラえもんトラム」等與卡通聯名合作的特色列車外;呈現度假村風情的「由布院之森」、被票選為日本觀光列車冠軍的四國「伊予灘物語」,以及由黑、黃、金色打造出低調奢華感的甜點列車「或る列車」等結合鐵路沿線風景的特色列車,相信對重度日本旅遊者或是鐵道迷旅客來說肯定一點都不陌生。 而大家對日本國內所剩無幾的「寢台列車」的認識又有多少呢? 行走於室蘭本線的「TRAIN SUITE 四季島」 ©PIXTA.

  7. 2018年5月25日 · When it rains in Tokyo, especially if you’re in the city during June or September, you’re bound to meet a lovely swath of wet, with water falling from the sky almost every day. Instead of getting depressed about it, read below and find eight unique ways to spend an

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