雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. company system of safety management. Against this background, the Government has introduced a safety management system consisting of 14 elements. It has promoted the system through launching pilot schemes, publishing an Occupational Safety

  2. A full-fledged safety management system consists of the following 14 elements: 1. Safety policy. A safety policy which states the commitment of management to safety and health at work. 2. Safety organisational structure. A structure to assure implementation of the commitment to safety and health at work. 3.

  3. 14 健康保障計劃 . 14項 . 承建商的責任. 1.建立及推行安全管理制度. ‧承建商必須建立一套含有法例規定十四項元素的安全管理制度‧予以實施及維持制度的推行,確保工程的安全事宜能夠有系統地處理,最終工程能安全及順利地完成. 定期評核. ‧必須委任註冊安全審核員為工程定期進行安全審核以評核制度是否合適,有效及確實地推行. ‧規模較少的工程必須由承建商委任的安全查核員進行定期查核. ‧有關註冊審核員及安全查核員的資格請參閱規例內的條文. 考慮到承建商的資源及工程的規模等因素,法例容許分階段實施安全管理制度內的元素(法例實施一年後將檢討有關執行第11 至14項元素的時間表): 建造工程規模. 承建商需要推行. 地盤工人總數.

  4. 6 天前 · It requires proprietors and contractors covered by the Regulation to implement a safety management system applicable to Hong Kong, which consists of 14 elements. Besides the adoption of the safety management system, the proprietors and contractors are also required to carry out safety audits or safety reviews of their safety management systems.

  5. 一個安全管理制度應包括以下14個元素: 1.安全政策. 2.安全組織架構. 3.安全訓練. 4.內部安全規則. 5.視察計劃. 6.個人防護計劃/裝備. 7.意外/事故調查程序. 8.緊急應變計劃. 9.承建商對安全責任的認知. 10.安全委員會. 11.危險評核及安全程序. 12.推廣活動. 13.控制意外計劃. 14.健康保障計劃. 返回. 頁首.

  6. It requires proprietors and contractors covered by the Regulation to implement a safety management system applicable to Hong Kong, which consists of 14 elements. Besides the adoption of the safety management system, the proprietors and contractors are also required to carry out safety audits or safety reviews of their safety management systems.

  7. www.labour.gov.hk › tc › publicsJ Õ X - 勞工處

    安全管理制度”*(safety management system)指提供工業經營中的安全管理的制度; “安全審核”*(safety audit)指任何具以下目的的安排– (a) 收集、評估和核證某安全管理制度(包括《安全管理規例》附表4指明的該

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