雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年8月2日 · In most cases, water seepage is caused by leakage from defective water pipes, sanitary fitments or drainage pipes. Usually, these defects can be rectified by simple repair works. Owners should directly engage a building technician or licensed plumber to identify the cause of seepage for prompt repairs.

  2. 2024年8月2日 · 申請人可先聯絡聯辦處的個案負責人員 (食物環境衞生署或屋宇署人員)以了解所需的報告詳情。. 申請人亦可將申請表格以郵寄、傳真或電郵送回聯辦處。. 有關申請表格可於食物環境衞生署網頁: https://www.fehd.gov.hk/tc_chi/department/code_on_access_info_proce.html 下載,有關 ...

  3. 区别是: leakage 指的是泄露;漏,漏出。 seepage 指的是渗漏;渗液。 例句辨析: leakage. 1、A leakage of kerosene has polluted water supplies. 泄漏的煤油污染了水源。 2、It should be possible to reduce leakage from pipes. 应该可以减少管道的渗漏量。 3、The continuing leakage is the result of the long crack in the pipe. 这根管子上的那一条裂缝致使渗漏不断。

  4. Water seepage can be one of the most difficult building problems to rectify, yet it is very common in buildings, especially older ones that were poorly-designed and built, and those that are inadequately maintained.

  5. there is leakage at the water supply pipes * It is advisable to engage a licensed plumber to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the water supply system, and

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  6. 聯合辦公室調查滲水的傳統測試方法主要包括在滲水位置作濕度監測、在排水渠管作色水測試、在地台及牆壁以色水作蓄水及灑水測試,和為供水喉管作反向壓力測試。. 視乎滲水情況,每宗個案可能涉及上述一項或多項測試方法。. 自2018年6月,聯辦處按適用 ...

  7. 2024年8月6日 · Common causes of water seepage: Leakage in the drainage pipes of the upper, adjacent or your own flat. Leakage in the water supply pipes of the upper, adjacent or your own flat. Defective or deteriorated waterproofing of floor slabs or bath-tub sealants.