雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 本課程採用《牛津大學出版社》出版之 “Oxford Trinity為主要教材教材經過 Trinity 聖三一口語教育委員會審核通過,全面對接 Trinity GESE Grades 1-9的考試內容,讓考生有更加充分的考試準備。

  2. Our Trinity courses help students effectively prepare for Trinity’s Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE). Heavy emphasis is placed on understanding the intricacies of English in everyday oral use, with the objective being strong native-level spoken fluency.

  3. Cherry Kids Trinity(GESE) 聖三一英語會話課程著重改善學生的英語會話及聆聽技巧。 課程透過會話、學習英文詞彙及文法的運用,提升孩子以英語表達及溝通的能力。

  4. This course is designed for toddlers aged 2-3 years who are currently studying PN or K1. Our instructors, who are cheerful and experienced, will design lessons including various fun activities such as story telling, role-play, and other exciting games for children to learn daily conversations and manner.

  5. 聖三一國際口語課程. 1 堂/每週. 1 小時/堂. 每堂最多6人. 我們的聖三一國際口語課程能有效幫助學生準備聖三一英語口語考試。 課程重點包括協助學生理解日常英語會話中的複雜用語,令他們如同使用母語般地說出流利英語。 *學生可以選擇在課程結束時參加 GESE 考試。 Trinity. 關於倫敦聖三一學院. 倫敦聖三一學院 是在英國註冊的教育慈善機構,自1877年開始提供各項考試,每年提供超過500,000個考試,他們專業的考官會親自到全球 60多個國家進行考試。 課程特色. 1 課堂活動. 詞彙累積. 我們的聖三一國際口語課程經過精心設計,有助學生學習及掌握聖三一官方考試清單中的關鍵詞彙。 會話文法練習.

  6. Trinity College London Graded Examination in Spoken English (GESE) 為國際認可的英語會話考試由國際認證機構英國聖三一學院舉辦以國際基準來考核學生之英語理解及溝通能力。舉辦考試的國家超過60個,遍佈全球,其資格更被香港考試及評核局認可

  7. They are one-to-one oral examinations with a native English-speaking Trinity examiner who travels from the UK. Our training through grades 1-12 helps students prepare the practical English skills they need for this exam, and for use in their lives beyond it.

  8. Learning Tree prepares students for all Trinity College of London GESE Tests, Trinity College English Exams are recognized in local schools and accepted internationally as a benchmark for English proficiency. The examination covers eight topics which will be

  9. This course aims to prepare your child for one of the most popular Trinity exams, Graded Examination in Spoken English (GESE). We can enroll students in a ...

  10. Age: 3-6 years old. Time: 1 lesson per week. Each hall: 1 hour. Number of people: 6 to 8. Objective. Comprehensively improve children's ability to listen and speak. Learn everyday English vocabulary through textbooks, translate into sentences, learn questions and answers in different forms, and gradually speak fluent English.