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      • 饒舌 (英語: rapping ),是一種帶有 節奏 與 押韻 的歌唱技巧及音樂風格。 是構成美國 1970年代 興起的 嘻哈 文化中的主要元素之一,也叫作 emceeing (司衆),最早是 美國黑人 在社區街頭表達政治和社會思想的途徑之一,其起源與 口語詩 有關,並且大量運用 暗語 、 俗語 、 俚語 等民間口語。
  1. 饒舌 (英語: rapping ),是一種帶有 節奏 與 押韻 的歌唱技巧及音樂風格。. 是構成美國 1970年代 興起的 嘻哈 文化中的主要元素之一,也叫作 emceeing (司衆),最早是 美國黑人 在社區街頭表達政治和社會思想的途徑之一,其起源與 口語詩 有關,並且大量運 ...

  2. 饒舌 (英語: rapping ),是一種帶有 節奏 與 押韻 的歌唱技巧及音樂風格。. 是構成美國 1970年代 興起的 嘻哈 文化中的主要元素之一,也叫作 emceeing (司衆),最早是 美國黑人 在社區街頭表達政治和社會思想的途徑之一,其起源與 口語詩 有關,並且大量 ...

  3. 饒舌 (英語: rapping ),是一種帶有 節奏 與 押韻 的歌唱技巧及音樂風格。. 是構成美國 1970年代 興起的 嘻哈 文化中的主要元素之一,也叫作 emceeing (司衆),最早是 美國黑人 在社區街頭表達政治和社會思想的途徑之一,其起源與 口語詩 有關,並且大量 ...

  4. 分類:饒舌 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書. 討論. 閱讀. 編輯. 工具. 說明. 「饒舌」分類的頁面. 此分類包含以下 2 個頁面,共 2 個。 ULTIMATE MC BATTLE. 饒舌. 分類 : . 說唱藝術. 本頁面最後修訂於2014年3月24日 (星期一) 14:57。 本站的全部文字在 共享創意 署名-相同方式分享 4.0協議 之條款下提供,附加條款亦可能應用。 (請參閱 使用條款 ) Wikipedia®和維基百科標誌是 維基媒體基金會 的註冊商標;維基™是維基媒體基金會的商標。 維基媒體基金會是按美國國內稅收法501 (c) (3)登記的 非營利慈善機構 。

  5. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › RappingRapping - Wikipedia

    • History
    • Flow
    • Performance
    • Subject Matter
    • Freestyle and Battle
    • Derivatives and Influence
    • See Also
    • Further Reading

    Etymology and usage

    The English verb rap has various meanings; these include "to strike, especially with a quick, smart, or light blow", as well "to utter sharply or vigorously: to rap out a command". The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary gives a date of 1541 for the first recorded use of the word with the meaning "to utter (esp. an oath) sharply, vigorously, or suddenly". Wentworth and Flexner's Dictionary of American Slang gives the meaning "to speak to, recognize, or acknowledge acquaintance with someone", da...

    Roots and origin

    Similarities to rapping can be observed in West African chanting folk traditions. Centuries before hip-hop music existed, the griots of West Africans were delivering stories rhythmically, over drums and sparse instrumentation. Such resemblances have been noted by many modern artists, modern day "griots", spoken word artists, mainstream news sources, and academics.Rap lyrics and music are part of the "Black rhetorical continuum", continuing past traditions of expanding upon them through "creat...


    In his narration between the tracks on George Russell's 1958 jazz album New York, N.Y., the singer Jon Hendricks recorded something close to modern rap, since it all rhymed and was delivered in a hip, rhythm-conscious manner. Art forms such as spoken word jazz poetry and comedy records had an influence on the first rappers. Coke La Rock, often credited as hip-hop's first MC cites the Last Poets among his influences, as well as comedians such as Wild Man Steve and Richard Pryor. Comedian Rudy...

    "Flow" is defined as "the rhythms and rhymes" of a hip-hop song's lyrics and how they interact – the book How to Rap breaks flow down into rhyme, rhyme schemes, and rhythm (also known as cadence). 'Flow' is also sometimes used to refer to elements of the delivery (pitch, timbre, volume) as well,though often a distinction is made between the flow an...

    To successfully deliver a rap, a rapper must also develop vocal presence, enunciation, and breath control. Vocal presence is the distinctiveness of a rapper's voice on record. Enunciation is essential to a flowing rap; some rappers choose also to exaggerate it for comic and artistic effect. Breath control, taking in air without interrupting one's d...

    "Party rhymes", meant to excite the crowd at a party, were nearly the exclusive focus of old school hip hop, and they remain a staple of hip-hop music to this day. In addition to party raps, rappers also tend to make references to love and sex. Love raps were first popularized by Spoonie Gee of the Treacherous Three, and later, in the golden age of...

    There are two kinds of freestyle rap: one is scripted (recitation), but having no particular overriding subject matter, and has yet evolved since the late 2000s to become the most commonly referred to style when the term "freestyle" is being used. Its primary focus has morphed from making up a rap on the spot, to being able to recite memorized or "...

    Throughout hip hop's history, new musical styles and genres have developed that contain rapping. Entire genres, such as rap rock and its derivatives rapcore and rap metal (rock/metal/punk with rapped vocals), or hip house have resulted from the fusion of rap and other styles. Many popular music genres with a focus on percussion have contained rappi...

    Alan Light; et al. (October 1999). The Vibe History of Hip Hop. Three Rivers Press. p. 432. ISBN 978-0-609-80503-9.
    Jeff Chang; D.J. Kool Herc (December 2005). Can't Stop Won't Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation. Picador. p. 560. ISBN 978-0-312-42579-1.
    Sacha Jenkins; et al. (December 1999). Ego Trip's Book of Rap Lists. St. Martin's Griffin. p. 352. ISBN 978-0-312-24298-5.
  6. 撇除成見,饒舌歌其實是很聰明的文字藝術,內容雖淺顯易懂,但卻隱藏著許多鞭辟入裡的道理,讓人聽完常有「原來如此」的頓悟,這也難怪饒舌會在現今提倡「獨立思考」的世代流行。

  7. 中文名 :說唱、饒舌. 外文名 :RAP、MCing. 代表性歌手 :2Pac、The BIG、Eminem、Jay-Z. 性質 :一個黑人俚語. 形式 :有節奏地說話的特殊唱歌形式. 說唱起源. 音樂起源. 從最早期的詞組的當中一個獲得被使用在斥責,和可能被發現在今夜錄音"交談者的歡欣" (1979)由Sugarhill 幫會。 除說唱音樂之外,配合敲打並以節律唱誦的音樂 亞文化群 並且包括其它形式表示,包括斷裂跳舞和街道畫藝術並且一個獨特的俗話辭彙量和流行觀念。 斥責發起於70 年代中期在紐約南Bronx 地區。 斥責的上升用許多方式平行 搖滾樂 誕生在50 年代(參見搖滾樂:搖滾樂): 發源在 非裔美國人 的社區和兩個心頭由小,獨立紀錄標籤記錄了和幾乎完全最初地被銷售了對黑人觀眾。