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  1. Guru99 is a website that provides free online courses with certificates in various IT domains, such as Python, digital marketing, software testing, and more. Learn from experts and interactive tutorials.

    • What Is The Difference Between setSpeed() and Sleep() Methods?
    • What Is Same Origin Policy? How You Can Avoid Same Origin Policy?
    • What Is Heightened Privileges browsers?
    • How You Can Use “Submit” A Form Using Selenium?
    • Mention What Is The Difference Between Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait?
    • Explain What Is The Difference Between Find Elements () and Find Element ()?
    • Explain What Are The Junits Annotation Linked with Selenium?
    • Explain What Is DataDriven Framework and Keyword Driven?
    • What Is Object repository?
    • Explain How Selenium Grid Works?

    Both will delay the speed of execution. It will stop the current (java) thread for the specified period of time. Its done only once 1. It takes a single argument in integer format Ex: thread.sleep(2000)- It will wait for 2 seconds 1. It waits only once at the command given at sleep For specific amount of time it will stop the execution for every se...

    The “Same Origin Policy”is introduced for security reason, and it ensures that content of your site will never be accessible by a script from another site. As per the policy, any code loaded within the browser can only operate within that website’s domain. To avoid “Same Origin Policy” proxy injection method is used, in proxy injection mode the Sel...

    The purpose of heightened privileges is similar to Proxy Injection, allows websites to do something that are not commonly permitted. The key difference is that the browsers are launced in a special mode called heightened privileges. By using these browser mode, Selenium core can open the AUT directly and also read/write its content without passing ...

    You can use “submit” method on element to submit form- element.submit () ; Alternatively you can use click method on the element which does form submission

    Implicit Wait: Sets a timeout for all successive Web Element searches. For the specified amount of time it will try looking for element again and again before throwing a NoSuchElementException. It waits for elements to show up. Explicit Wait : It is a one-timer, used for a particular search.

    find element (): It finds the first element within the current page using the given “locating mechanism”. It returns a single WebElement findElements () : Using the given “locating mechanism” find all the elements within the current page. It returns a list of web elements.

    The JUnits annotation linked with Selenium are 1. @Before public void method() – It will perform the method () before each test, this method can prepare the test 2. @Test public void method() – Annotations @Test identifies that this method is a test method environment 3. @After public void method()- To execute a method before this annotation is use...

    Datadriven framework: In this framework, the test data is separated and kept outside the Test Scripts, whileTest Case logic resides in Test Scripts. Test data is read from the external files ( Excel Files) and are loaded into the variables inside the Test Script. Variables are used for both for input values and for verification values. Keyworddrive...

    An object repository is an essential entity in any UI automations which allows a tester to store all object that will be used in the scripts in one or more centralized locations rather than scattered all over the test scripts.

    Selenium Gridsent the tests to the hub. These tests are redirected to Selenium Webdriver, which launch the browser and run the test. With entire test suite, it allows for running tests in parallel.

  2. 2024年1月1日 · The Implicit Wait in Selenium is used to tell the web driver to wait for a certain amount of time before it throws a “No Such Element Exception”. The default setting is 0. Once we set the time, the web driver will wait for the element for that time before throwing an exception. Selenium Web Driver has borrowed the idea of implicit waits ...

  3. 2023年12月30日 · Architecture of Drools. Drools Rule Engine Architecture. Here is the working system of Drools architecture: Step 1) The rules are loaded into Rule Base, which are available all the times. Step 2) Facts are asserted into the Working Memory where they may then be modified or retracted.

  4. 2024年4月30日 · Front-end Testing is testing or verifying the frontend functionality, GUI, and Usability. The main aim of Frontend testing to make sure that every user is well-protected from bugs. Creating a frontend testing plan helps you to know the devices, browsers, and systems which your project need to cover.

  5. 2024年3月16日 · Selenium Tutorial Summary. Selenium is a popular open-source web-based automation tool. This online course is a step by step guide to learn Selenium Concepts. It is recommended you refer these Selenium Tutorials sequentially, one after the other.

  6. 2024年2月10日 · This online C tutorial is designed for beginners to learn C programming online for free. In this C programming for beginners tutorial, you will learn C programming basics like what is C, variables, loops, strings, classes, functions, pointers, etc. This C programming language tutorial will help you learn all C programming basics.