雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. With the Medical Second Opinion Service, you will have immediate access to world-class physicians in the USA and other leading international medical centers to give a complete medical file review for you and assessment review of the treatment plan, etc.

  2. For proMedico Group Medical Insurance and proMedico Individual Medical Insurance Members, please call the 24-hour Assist Hotline (852) 3723 3039 for cashless hospitalisation arrangement requests or medical evacuation and emergency services.

  3. Home > For Individuals > Medical. I am looking for Medical insurance. Select the product below to learn more. Medical Evacuation Service. How we could assist you in emergency. Medical Second Opinion Service. FREE of charge service that provides you independent analysis. mediTop. Top up your medical plan embark your healthy-living journey.

  4. 利寶個人危疾保險涵蓋40種危疾 (如癌症、心臟病及中風),保費合理,並附有其他保障。.

    • 2892 3888
    • 79 歲
    • 18-65 歲
  5. 首頁 > 危疾保險索償程序. 每宗索償不盡相同,讓我們帶領您完成整個索償過程: 步驟 1. 提出索賠. 請填寫及簽署 危疾保險索償申請表格 及準備相關文件正本以辦理索償手續. 步驟 2. 向我們投遞您的索償. 請透過郵寄將填妥的索償表格及相關文件發送給我們。 一切危疾保險索償應當於事發日起計 30天內 通知利寶保險。 證明文件應於事發日起計不遲於90日提交給利寶保險。 步驟 3. 處理您的索賠. 收到所有證明文件後,利寶將會處理您的索賠。 若賠償申請表未完全填妥,則不會辦理有關賠償申請手續。 我們可能會索取其他相關資料。 步驟 4. 完成索賠. 索償金額將透過你支票形式支付給保單持有人。 我們亦會向您發出理賠通知書。 危疾保險索償程序 每宗索償不盡相同,讓我們帶領您完成整個索償過程:

  6. 利寶團體意外保險保障您僱員及其家屬意外死亡、意外醫療費用、永久傷殘及暫時傷殘。

  7. Liberty has a Group Critical Illness plan that is targeted at addressing your concerns and we can even customise the plans to suit your needs. Our corporate Critical illness plan provides you and your employees comprehensive protection against 35 types of critical illness.