雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2006年6月15日 · A two cents plain is a glass of seltzer water. During the Great Depression, one could get an egg cream for twenty-five cents (seltzer, chocolate syrup, and milk), a chocolate milk (milk and chocolate syrup) for a dime, a chocolate soda (seltzer and chocolate syrup) for a nickel, or plain seltzer water for two cents.

  2. 2022年10月1日 · Free-User. Someone who participates in a "free-use" relationship, acting as the person who allows their partner total access to their body whenever the partner chooses. "I found myself a free-user at the bar last night. She lets me do anything to her, day or night!"

  3. 2003年4月5日 · deuces. when someone holds up two fingers symbolizing "peace" when leaving an establishment, "deuces" is often said. roscoe: ite, shan'quenetta see y'all tomorrow. shan'quenetta: ite, deuces!*holds two fingers up *. by choozyoozy April 5, 2003.

  4. 2013年11月14日 · Something you type in google when you are extremely bored. Bob was bored so he searched for sdfsdfsdf. by ruler12345 November 14, 2013.

  5. 2015年10月14日 · A "two man" refers to when one of your friends wants to hang out with a woman, but the woman insists on bringing her friend. You then tag along with your friend to help prevent a potential cock block. Hey dude, Lucy's bringing her friend with her to the movies. Do you want to make this a two man? by Juicy Jamaican October 14, 2015.

  6. 2015年5月15日 · A person, usually female, with an arse so enormous it takes up two seats on a bus or other public transport. The sight of this apparition Is so remarkable that owner ceases to be a person and become just a mobile arse.

  7. 2008年3月6日 · part deux. A superfacial, unnecessary, or overly bad sequel to a classic film. Usually the second film in the series though not always. Adding the phrase to a movies title is similar to adding the "electric boogaloo."

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