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  1. 基督小幼苗 - Catholic

  2. www.catholic.edu.hk › 天主教學校 › 幼稚園天主教教育事務處

    天主教聖雅各伯幼稚園. 天主教領報幼稚園. 聖斯德望天主教幼稚園. 天主教大埔幼稚園. 荃灣聖母幼稚園. 天主教聖多默幼稚園. 天主教聖葉理諾幼稚園. 天主教聖安德肋幼稚園.

  3. www.catholic.edu.hk › en › catholic-educationCatholic Education Office

    Catholic Education Office. 9. Different Types of Catholic Schools. To this concept of a Catholic school all schools that are in any way dependent on the Church must conform as far as possible, though the Catholic school is to take on different forms in keeping with local circumstances. (29) Thus the Church considers very dear to her heart those ...

  4. 團服 基基督督小小幼幼苗苗 附件一 戴

  5. Catholic Education. Vision and Mission (Core Values) Church Documents on Education. Education and Culture. Youth and Young Teenage Pastoral Care. Catholic School Ethos. Religious and Moral Education Section. New Measures to Enhance Religious Education. Catholic Religious & Moral Education Curriculum Document 2006.

  6. Ms. Chim Yin Chu, Cynthia Ms. Vu Im Fan Ms. Chan Chi Man Ms. Yeung Mei Hay, May Dr. Chan Nai Kwok, Francis Mr. Chung Wai Leung, Warren Ms. Wong Ka Yan, Angela

  7. 包括超細碼、超大碼及需要按人身尺寸訂做的特肥碼. 送貨費用: $50 ( 每張訂單) **校方. / 家長亦可選擇自行到各區門市領取: ( 長沙灣、筲箕灣、荃灣、大埔 ) 基督小先鋒制服訂購表格.