雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 海域中央的前煤礦. 距國土主體 長崎 九英里之遠,羽島 — 或通常所說的端島(軍艦島),在長崎 505 個無人居住的島嶼當中最為出名。. 它因外形酷似軍艦而得名,這座島嶼前身是一座煤礦,是日本最不可能成為旅遊景點的地方之一。.

  2. The official site of Japan National Tourism Organization is your ultimate Japan guide with tourist information for Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima, Hokkaido and other top Japan holiday destinations. We offer travel information to make your Japan travel more

  3. Japan has many culturally unique social customs. Here’s an outline of the basic etiquette and protocols for a deeper cultural experience in Japan. Japanese people are accustomed to bowing as a form of greeting. Walking around the streets, you'll probably notice ...

  4. Japan's 2002 FIFA joint World Cup with Korea sparked a frenzy of interest in soccer and this popularity continues to bud and blossom. There is passionate support for local teams as well as the national teams—both male and female. Catch a game if you arehere.

  5. The tea ceremony —or, directly translated, the "way of tea"—is in many ways a microcosm of the Japanese traditional sense of omotenashi, which translates as to look after guests wholeheartedly. The tea ceremony is known as chanoyu, or sado, in Japanese, and the art and performance of preparing and presenting matcha powdered green tea is ...

  6. 「手拭巾」是一款傳統的日式手巾。手拭巾質地柔順平滑,有別於西方的毛巾,除了用來抹乾雙手或身體外,更有多種不同用途。手拭巾圖案款式不勝枚舉,從幽默有趣的幸運符,到有如浮世繪般色彩豐富的藝術設計都一一囊括,因此手拭巾亦成為了一項有趣的收藏品。

  7. There are three types of seats: Non-reserved seats, Reserved seats, and Green Car (first class) seats. Also, the Hokkaido, Tohoku, Joetsu and Hokuriku Shinkansen feature ultra-premium “GranClass” seats. (Rail pass users will require an extra ticket.) For detailed ...