雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Anime and Manga Mecca of Nakano Broadway Go hunting for a trove of subculture treasures in the stores of this retro shopping arcade Nakano Broadway was constructed in 1966, and named after its New York counterpart. With its location right next to ...

  2. 富良野市位於北海道的中心,因此被暱稱為北海道的「肚臍」。. 再加上這個祭典與「肚臍神社」有關,於是北海肚臍祭應運而生。. 人們會在上半身畫上搞笑的臉蛋,一起在市內巡遊,為當地增添色彩與活力。. 深入瞭解. 青森睡魔祭. 地點:青森縣青森市. 時間 ...

  3. 京都和奈良確實擁有為數眾多的日本歷史與文化景點,但如果想要以更健康的方式體驗日本文化,不妨選擇更原始寧靜的地方。. 如果您喜歡親身體驗日本文化,可試看看預約寺廟住宿,體驗寺廟的生活、選擇在日本其中一條最古老的步道上健行,並在當地藝術 ...

  4. Quick Facts. The festival takes place annually on the 13th day of the lunar calendar, so it always changes dates in February or March. Its origins can be traced back about 1,250 years as a way of combatting plague and pestilence. How to Get There. Konomiya Hadaka Matsuri is accessible by train.

  5. 關東地區以世界最大都會區的東京為中心,同時擁有樸素的山野度假勝地和風光秀麗的亞熱帶島嶼。 東京這座巨大的都市融合現代都會的繁華與傳統的寧靜,徹底滿足各種感官享受。在飛奔前往京都或更偏遠的地區之前,不妨先探索一下關東地區的溫泉度假村、那些未被破壞的山林峽谷、樸實原始 ...

  6. Tenugui are flat-woven cotton cloths that are about 90 cm (2.9 feet) x 35 cm (1.1 feet) in size. Many have elaborate resist-dyed or printed patterns. During the Edo Period (A.D. 1603-1868), common people started using them as well. They are used for various purposes, including drying hands or bodies, covering heads, or as aprons.

  7. 谷根千位於東京老城區內,也被稱為下町。歷史上東京大部分街區都被戰爭和災難摧毀,唯有這幾條街區卻倖免於難,挺立至今。這裡處處散發著祥和復古的氛圍,狹窄街道兩旁是林立的小店、酒吧和餐廳。谷根千和下町是東京人懷緬過去,或為了尋回更舒適和諧的生活步調的地方。

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