雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年4月7日 · 香港的一般駕駛規則. 香港只有一條法例,跟在駕駛時使用手機直接相關。 為免司機在駕駛時分心,《道路交通 (交通管制) 規例》 (香港法例第374G章) 第42條 (1) (g) 下的一般駕駛規則列明: 任何司機不得以他本人手持或置於他的頭與肩膀之間的方式使用流動電話;或. 以他本人手持的方式使用任何其他電訊設備. 條列指明不得在駕駛時「手持」流動電話進行通話;就算開啟了喇叭,如果駕駛者需要同時手持電話,亦算違反法例。 之不過,法例容許駕駛者使用免提裝置接聽來電,例如藍芽耳機。 違反法例的刑罰為罰款港幣$2000。 然而,這條法例有一個灰色地帶 -- 使用手機查看電郵及訊息,或者瀏覽網頁,算違反法例嗎? 據我們瞭解,只要不是正在進行通話,在駕駛時手持電話並不一定違法。

  2. 2019年7月11日 · 網上課程如 YouTube 可以逐步教你如何進行這些訓練。 瑜珈和彼拉提可能改善協調和注意力,不但對體能有幫助,也能提昇心智集中力,畢竟這樣才可以協調全身控制汽車。

  3. 2024年4月25日 · 科目二(路試):場地考試. 於學院內場地進行,手波即 C1 牌需考 5 個項目:包括 L 位泊車、S 位泊車、斜路起步及停車、直角轉彎及曲線行駛(俗稱 S 彎)。. 自動波即 C2 需考 4 個項目:包括 L 位泊車、S 位泊車、直角轉彎及曲線行駛(俗稱 S 彎)。. 補考需要 ...

  4. 這些功能對汽車保險有甚麼影響?. 一般而言,如果你在香港購買一架裝有ADAS的汽車,你要支付的保費應該不會高過同型號但未備有ADAS的車輛。. 當然,如果你是在買車後才加裝ADAS,例如後加車cam,你就可能需要繳交較高保費,不過升幅應該不會太大。. 就我們 ...

    • Consider The Following Checklist Before Getting Behind The Wheel
    • Stay Physically Active
    • Visit The Local Optician Or Hearing Specialist For A Test
    • Avoid Using Mobile Phones Or Any Other Devices That May Cause A Distraction
    • Consider Taking A Refresher Course
    • Get in Touch with Kwiksure Today
    Do you have any pain or stiffness in the arms, legs, neck, or back? If so, this may affect your ability to engage the likes of your gearbox, control the clutch, or look across into the mirrors. The...
    Have you been diagnosed with any chronic conditions (e.g. epilepsy, dementia, etc.)? If so, a chronic condition will most likely affect your safety on the road, and the advice here would be to cons...
    Do you tire easily when driving, even at short distances? Aging drivers may experience fatigue more often than younger drivers, which affects how long you’re able to drive. When making plans to dri...
    Do you feel stressed and anxious? Feeling stressed can affect other health conditions that may be present in aging drivers, such as heart disease, which can cause a stroke. Again, it’s best to cons...

    Elderly individuals are recommended to stay physically active to improve strength and flexibility. For those with access to a gym, personal trainers are qualified to help improve mobility and indicate areas along the body to stretch. For those without a gym membership, there are a plethora of exercises that can be done at home.

    Hearing and vision are senses that tend to decline with age. Impaired hearing (limited hearing or hearing loss) is a huge concern for older drivers as they are unlikely to hear oncoming emergency vehicles or vehicles warning of their presence with the horn. Age-related vision problems tend to arise the older we get, such as cataracts, glaucoma, and...

    Driving while distracted is a frequent cause of accidents. Therefore, it is best to follow the steps below before driving to reduce distractions as much as possible: 1. Plan the journey ahead. 2. Set the GPS device before heading off and not during the journey. 3. If traveling with a fellow passenger, ask them to help check directions if unsure. 4....

    Older drivers may not be aware of the latest changes in rules and regulations when driving in Hong Kong. For this reason, it is recommended to consider taking a refresher course for older drivers. Getting an update might even help to earn a discount on future car insurance, depending on the policy. For the most benefits, check for a community educa...

    The aforementioned tips will help older drivers to remain safer on the road. However, for all drivers in Hong Kong, it is mandatory to at least have third-party liability car insurance. Just like how there are numerous other safety tips for older drivers to consider, there are also a plethora of car insurance plans to choose from. The hard part is ...

  5. 2016年4月14日 · 相信你在YouTube上看過至少一種行車記錄儀的視頻,這足以證明這些設備非常有用。 它們怎麼運行? 正 如上文所說,這些錄像記錄 儀通常安裝在儀錶板或者擋風玻璃上(一般在後視鏡下面)。

  6. 2022年10月25日 · 作者: Kwiksure 團隊 分享: 對很多車主來說,能為愛車進行改裝,是夢寐以求的事。 在英國、澳洲、美國和加拿大等國家,改裝車都是極為常見的。 有些車主會改動懸掛系統,以提升車身的離地淨高;有些會加裝零件,以提高引擎馬力和表現;有些則會 改裝音響設備或其他部分,以增加汽車的價值。 隨著香港的私家車數量逐漸增加,改裝車亦變得越來越常見。 某些地區更開設了大量車房,為車主們提供不同類型的改裝服務。 如果你打算為你的愛車進行改裝,就不能不留意以下數個事項,特別是跟法例和汽車保險相關的條例。 延伸閱讀: 【驗車攻略】新車、二手車及續牌驗車費用、文件及流程. 在香港,改裝車輛是非法的嗎? 是,也不是。 首先,為汽車進行改裝並不是絕對違法的事。 不過,本港有關改裝車的法例,比其他國家嚴謹得多。

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